View Full Version : What is the point

19-01-11, 15:55
Feeling really down can't stop crying:weep:
Had a load of tests done at the doctors and all come back fine. You probably think I should be happy I'm a fit and healthy person?
I have felt so ill the past 3 weeks, been signed off work, can't drive, can't shop, can't even take my son to get new shoes. Thought if there was something physically wrong with me it could be made better but no its all in my head. I really am going mad! What use am I to anyone???

19-01-11, 15:59
Hi Lizzy,

Have you tried anti-depressants and its good to talk to a thearapist. That helps me when I talk to someone, also what kind of symptoms do you have. You say you feel sick?

19-01-11, 16:04
I have all the physical symptoms, chest pains, difficulty breathing which is the most scary, the shakes and real intense fatigue, just want to sleep all the time. I had flu just before christmas and was doing so well up to then anxiety was virtually non-existant. I'm not a worrier, have no real stess in my life and love my job and friends. Can't understand why I feel so bad??

19-01-11, 16:16
DO you think it was something that triggered it because you said you were fine before. SO think of some things that may have happened that scared you or caused you to start feeling this way. Just really think hard about everything.

I know you are probably sick of taking medical tests but that tested my thyroid and said it was over active and that could be contributing to my anxiousness. An overactive thyroid can cause nervousness and axiousness but they said its an easy fix. Just need to take a pill to get it down to normal. But Im not saying that was your problem but the doctors said that may be whats contributing to my anxiety.

Have you thought about talking with a thearapist just to get your feelings out. THink of the good news that nothing is physically wrong with you.

19-01-11, 16:21
Lizzy, many of us here have a good idea of what you are feeling right now. While it may be difficult to do, turn the situation around a bit. The tests came back okay, which means you are not dealing with cancer, about to have a heart attack, or about to have to undergo major surgery. This is good news. Now that things have been narrowed down a bit, it will be easier to identify which treatments will help you get through this and be able to reclaim your life. Yes, it is hellish to not know exactly what to do right this minute, but you are getting closer to the solution. Don't lose sight of that.

paula lynne
19-01-11, 16:33
Dont give up, weve all been there. Sending you huge hugs from Wales :bighug1:

19-01-11, 17:23
Sorry you're feeling so bad, Lizzy. One thing that rang a bell for me from your second post is that you had flu just before Christmas. With real flu (the one where you are in bed for two weeks), there is often a period of 2-3 weeks afterwards where you feel wiped out, completely exhausted and your moods can be affected, you can feel depressed for example. Flu is a bugger - it takes a long time to feel normal again.

I wouldn't be surprised if your current anxiety and fatigue is the aftermath of the virus. I have seen a lot of people with this, this year - and they don't have anxiety or depression disorders. Our office manager had flu for two weeks the week before Christmas, and over Christmas, and is only just feeling vaguely ok today. She spent most of last week exhausted, in bed, and feeling really really low.

I hope you feel better soon.


19-01-11, 17:52
Hi Dahlia yes I did have Swine Flu week before Christmas. In bed for 10 days neverfelt so ill in my life!!!! Went back to work still feeling bad and then all the extreme physical anxiety symptoms set in. Been signed off now for the last 2 weeks but it has affected me so much mentally as well. Suffered with anxiety for 20 years and it has never stopped me doing anything and even my husband of 15 years has never noticed. This time I was sure it must be something more can't believe it could all just be in my head and I have completely lost control. Back to see Doc tomorrow but I'm not expecting a magic cure. I just feel so useless at the moment although my 15 year old quite likes mum high in diazepam as I am not telling her off!!
Thanks everyone on here for your support! xxx

19-01-11, 19:20
Hi Lizzy,

I’m sorry you’re having a tough time with this at the moment. I think Dahlia made a good point – that some of this could simply be the after effects of the flu. And when a person is ill it can sometimes make them more susceptible to anxiety and panic.

It does make sense. Anxiety is about looking out for danger, and panic is about getting ready to face that danger. You know how when you feel ill you don’t want to do very much? Well, the mind gets like that too – it wants to rest and recoup, plus it’s busy trying to fight the illness. However, because anxiety and panic are ultimately about survival, the mind knows it can’t leave it to chance. So it more hastily responds with anxiety to situations that it would normally consider more carefully – better to be safe than sorry.

I can’t help wondering whether this is a lot about worrying about feeling so anxious now. A sort of never ending circle. I know this is a hard one to consider, but do you think it might help if you tried not to worry about it so much? Try to accept it as just another part of the recovery process from the flu? At least it would be one thing less to worry about, and that’s gotta help ease the anxiety.

Take care :)

19-01-11, 19:49
Hi Dahlia yes I did have Swine Flu week before Christmas. In bed for 10 days neverfelt so ill in my life!!!! Went back to work still feeling bad and then all the extreme physical anxiety symptoms set in. Been signed off now for the last 2 weeks but it has affected me so much mentally as well. Suffered with anxiety for 20 years and it has never stopped me doing anything and even my husband of 15 years has never noticed. This time I was sure it must be something more can't believe it could all just be in my head and I have completely lost control. Back to see Doc tomorrow but I'm not expecting a magic cure. I just feel so useless at the moment although my 15 year old quite likes mum high in diazepam as I am not telling her off!!
Thanks everyone on here for your support! xxx

Oh I'm now convinced it's the after effects of swine flu! It says on the medical sites that you can feel depressed for 2-3 weeks after flu and wiped out (as confirmed by our office manager's GP!). If it can affect your mood, it's no surprise you're feeling more anxious.

When I had proper flu (only once ever, thank God!), I honestly thought I was dying. It is ghastly, to the point that I am going to go to a private clinic for a jab (boss's suggestion!).

I think you need to give yourself a bit more time to get over the flu, and try not to examine the anxiety in too much detail, because I really think it's flu after effects. Just try to rest up and take it easy until you feel a bit better.


19-01-11, 20:29
you know it can take even months to fully get over the flu. it ill take a while to get back your strength.
i know it sucks to hear but anxiety can get sooo bad that it makes you feel physically ill.
thats hat happens to me, i often feel like i must have a virus because i really do feel ill.
like you i was disappointed when my blood work came back normal.

19-01-11, 21:23
Hi Nigel and Dahlia

You really are talking such alot of sense and have made me feel so much better!!

Mind rational mind as battled with anxiety for many years and has previously won every time! Since the flu it has lost the battle and I have had some panic attacks something I have not had before. I think my mind and body is just exhausted to fight and anxiety has won this time.

See I'm sounding more sensible already thanks to you guys.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help xxxxx

19-01-11, 21:31
You're more than welcome, Lizzy! Our Office Manager called me at home last week, at the end of her tether, convinced she was dying, or had chronic fatigue or depression - she couldn't believe it could still be the flu as it had gone on for so long. She really was at rock bottom, very upset. So I looked it up on the Internet, recalled my own experiences (not just of flu, but shingles and glandular fever, which have the same debilitating after effects), and she also got some reassurance from her doc. She was back at work today and feeling better - not absolutely back to normal, but better than she was.

It does take time - like I said to her, chill and 'just be', avoid caffeine and make sure you keep your sugar level up if you've not got much appetite (as that makes anxiety worse - 7-Up works well for me!).

Dahlia x

19-01-11, 22:44
Hi Lizzy,

Yes, you are sounding more sensible already, and that’s good to hear :yesyes:

While anxiety may have won this battle, it hasn’t won the war :winks:

Take care :)