View Full Version : Is there anyone one hearthat has had sucsess stories

19-01-11, 16:15
benn on here a while now and is there any one at all on here that has been and gone thro having anxiety i know it cant be cured but is there any light at the of the tunnel for us to hope for asthere dont seem to be any sucsess stories of people on here exept the bad things that is going on with every one

19-01-11, 16:40
me I think!... not totally 'cured' and I expect that I will always slide of the recovery path... because I don't believe we are designed to be anxiety free and i am a sensitive soul anyway... but I am determined to live a relatively free way of life. I still get bad days but back in August I couldn't even leave my bedroom (Agoraphobia got so bad) and now I am getting out and about. I still have a long way to go... but I either live my life or I let the demons destroy me and my family.

I tried despressants (did'nt suit me) I tried CBT (great but at the time I wasn't able to get to the sessions and when I did felt too ill) It was self knowledge and some online CBT that is doing it for me...'

I still tumble...but I keep getting up ... and I think that really is the key to some sort of cure

Good luck x

19-01-11, 18:06
Have you not seen this forum?


19-01-11, 19:35
Hi Tricia,

Yes, there are lots of success stories in that link Nic posted. Also I think it’s a case of no news is good news. Some people, as they start to recover, find that coming here and being surrounded by stories of panic and anxiety sets them back a bit. So they have a break, then I guess they’re so busy having gotten their life back that they rarely come back with an update.

I disappeared from NMP for a few years, and hardly any of the regulars from back then are around now. I’m sure if they were still gripped by anxiety many of them would still be here.

Don’t give up Tricia – there is light at the of the tunnel, and it isn’t always some joker with a torch! :winks:

Take care :)

20-01-11, 16:48
thank u nigel its just i was doing quite welljust before xmas with the help from cbt and copeing with it my self but since xmas ive had alot of worrie with my daughter who is 28 and it still going on now so now ive started to get some of the symtoms back i used to get with my anxiety which i dont like and i dont want to go back to how i was but my councilor has said its just a set back hope so anyway

20-01-11, 18:24
Hi Tricia,

It’s good to hear that things have been going well, and there’s no reason for that not to continue. You mentioned being under a lot of stress recently, and stress does make a person more susceptible to anxiety and panic. It’s because they’re all tied up with survival – looking out for danger and being ready to face it. When under a lot of stress the mind gets a bit overwhelmed, but it knows it can’t leave things to chance were survival is concerned. So it responds with anxiety or panic to situations it might not otherwise do, just to be on the safe side. It has too much else going on to process the situation more fully.

So this isn’t a setback or going back to how you were – it’s just the natural way the mind and body seems to work. Anxiety is all tied up with being afraid of something, so the secret is to not be afraid of this now. Take it easy for a while and use all the tips you’ve learnt from your counsellor to manage it until this temporary stressful situation is over, then you can continue with your progress.

Take care :)