View Full Version : What helps you ease your anxiety?

19-01-11, 17:14
Showers and crying seem to be the best things for me personally. Crying especially for some odd reason.

19-01-11, 17:31
Cardiovascular exercise and learning to remind myself that anxiety is a tricky fish and will make you think things that are not there. I find myself able to tell myself "ah I remember this, i know you, i'm not falling for it this time i'm just going to sit it out" took a lot of practice but it is really useful once mastered.

Also - i'm quite a kinesthetic so what helped me was an action that i could relate to relaxing from the anxiety for me i thought to myself "i'm peeling back the anxiety" kind of like i was in a big banana skin i could just "peel" the anxiety away. This little trick can really get your through some bad moments and focus your mind on not being victim to the anxiety. if your more of a visual or audtitory person then try working on an image or a sound that your can connect to a relaxing feeling and then practice. Anything that works will do - I mean feeling like a banana is pretty weird for me but it really helped.


19-01-11, 19:09

19-01-11, 19:17
i really find crying helps. Sometimes i just cant help but cry ( i havnt for two weeks though)

19-01-11, 21:23
Going to the gym for me.

20-01-11, 12:31
Like JessG, showers and crying. Also just going outside/opening a window and breathing in fresh air - especially if its windy. The wind blowing about me is quite soothing. I've resorted to using a fan on cold air before now. It just sems to help.

20-01-11, 12:38
singing to music doing jobs i dont like ..like cleaning draws out ,,a good one is music scales.as it helps with breathing

20-01-11, 13:25
I find that if you are not able to talk about your worries, (I personally cant very easily) then write everything down on paper - longhand - and when you have poured out every little thing, you can look at it from a different point of view. Try it, it really does help.

20-01-11, 15:03
I find singing helps me.....or throwing myself in to my work & study's, it takes my mind off of things! Singing just eases the symptoms really........

20-01-11, 16:09
There is actually a scientific reason why crying helps, as researchers have found that we release stress hormones in our tears. So "having a good cry" can be really useful for a lot of people.

20-01-11, 16:11
A nice walk helps me. Felt a bit anxious earlier so took my puppy out for a 15 minute walk. Did the trick, felt fine when I came back.

Also watching a good film helps me, my mind just gets occupied by the story line and anxiety Goes out the window.

20-01-11, 16:15
Strangely... Cigarettes in my back garden do the trick.. It might be something to do with watching my dog playing however.

20-01-11, 16:19
crying and watching a realy interesting film. Laughing with friends and family helps.

20-01-11, 16:24
does anybody find that there anxiety is worse at the start of the day and at times eases off before bedtime, its has if the problems of the day ahead stop me enjoying the day,due to all the things i need to get done or sort out.so can really only relax in the evening.Holly

20-01-11, 20:00
Also a good cry. Had one earlier!