View Full Version : How do i get my life bk together

anx mum
19-01-11, 20:52
Many of u know i suffer with panic and anxiety have done from 17 on and off. I have tried councelling, hypnotherapy, accupunture,various meds nothing has ever set me free of them. They come bk again yet in my life im really happy recently got married, moved house, my 2 boys and recently gave birth to my little girl. Im struggling now each day with physical symptoms, panic attacks really cant cope. Really miss my mum at times like this, my dad hasent got a clue sorry for the moan

19-01-11, 21:09
Don't be sorry. We listen and hurt with you. I don't have an answer but I know what you mean. "moan" whenever you need to.

19-01-11, 21:16
Im in the same boat, looking for answers too. i really do wish you the best for the future, and hopefully oine day when i have beaten this and cope hopefully look back upon this period of my life with pride, i can begin to raise the profile of this horrific condition to a level of which it truly deserves.

All the best

19-01-11, 21:21
Your not moaning silly:) we are all here to listen. I don't know how to set yourself free from panic attacks but if I find away ill be sure to let you know how its done. I hate to see you suffering so much you are such a lovely person and I know you will get through this. I don't know what else to say other than ill always be here to help you as much as I can xxxx

anx mum
19-01-11, 21:27
Your not moaning silly:) we are all here to listen. I don't know how to set yourself free from panic attacks but if I find away ill be sure to let you know how its done. I hate to see you suffering so much you are such a lovely person and I know you will get through this. I don't know what else to say other than ill always be here to help you as much as I can xxxx

thanx sammi ur a true friend xx

19-01-11, 21:29
Your NOT moaning your clearly upset and understandably. I would suggest a new hobby and new challenge perhaps something to get engrossed in and forget your anxiety. How about an away day at a nice spa, i did some flotation once it really chilled me out and it lasted for a day or so enough time for me recollect and remember myself and then remember how to get back this. Keep trying and NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF that is the number 1 golden rule.

Other suggestions try CBT, try and do it on yourself, try and picture some positive words in your head, see them and say them in your head so you can hear them something like "be positive, don't worry" or something that helps you keep repeating it don't worry if it sounds funny or other thoughts come in just keep doing it whenever you get the bad thoughts for as long as you can. Exercise and guided imagery are two other really useful tools.

The trick is to stop your mind going into the anxiety cycles you can do this via the body through actions (exercise, activities) the mind (thoughts, engagement in something cognitive like crosswords) and through feelings (music, poetry, arts) these are your tools against anxiety to try and reteach the brain to feel relaxed and know it is in control.

Hope you feel better soon. if you would like anymore advice just ask i have both suffered myself and worked with people with similar problems in the past.

19-01-11, 21:30
Sometimes i think it helps to accept how we are. Ive had anxiety/panic from being 15, now in my 40's. I think ive learnt to accept its part of who and what i am. I dont apologise for it anymore or beat myself up over it. I know when im at my worst and just sort of accept it as an illness and a flare up.

anx x

19-01-11, 21:31

anx mum
19-01-11, 21:33
Your NOT moaning your clearly upset and understandably. I would suggest a new hobby and new challenge perhaps something to get engrossed in and forget your anxiety. How about an away day at a nice spa, i did some flotation once it really chilled me out and it lasted for a day or so enough time for me recollect and remember myself and then remember how to get back this. Keep trying and NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF that is the number 1 golden rule.

Other suggestions try CBT, try and do it on yourself, try and picture some positive words in your head, see them and say them in your head so you can hear them something like "be positive, don't worry" or something that helps you keep repeating it don't worry if it sounds funny or other thoughts come in just keep doing it whenever you get the bad thoughts for as long as you can. Exercise and guided imagery are two other really useful tools.

The trick is to stop your mind going into the anxiety cycles you can do this via the body through actions (exercise, activities) the mind (thoughts, engagement in something cognitive like crosswords) and through feelings (music, poetry, arts) these are your tools against anxiety to try and reteach the brain to feel relaxed and know it is in control.

Hope you feel better soon. if you would like anymore advice just ask i have both suffered myself and worked with people with similar problems in the past.

Thank u never tried cbt maybe thats the key

eternally optimistic
19-01-11, 21:42
Hi anx mum

I have read your posts recently and you are obviously not comfortable with your situation.

That feeling of desperation that you wont return to who you want to be, can be a very worrying thought.

Have you looked for any local groups that you could link up with local people who can help you through this. Also, have you any friends and family that can assist you.

I think, anxiety makes us punish ourselves for all the things "we dont achieve today" and it shouldnt work like that.

You are a good mum to your kids, I am sure, and all they need from you is your time and love.

The one thing I realise about anxiety, is that you should deal with things in your own time and when you are comfortable with it....

Dont run before you can walk.

Is it worth going back to your GP to review your meds?

CBT is defintely worth thinking about...

Take care and., be kind to yourself and dont beat yourself up. Ive done that,
and it doesnt help.

Best wishes

19-01-11, 22:24
Great advice there from Jay ann - everyone is their own worst critic remember that.

Ask your gp for CBT it will probably take a while but in the meantime try the positive affirmations in your head it is important to concentrate on your senses and try and build a picture or sound and if you can a feeling. If you can imagine an action, something that makes you feel comfortable like maybe stretching your arms when you yawn, and you feel relaxed, try doing this, pretend to yawn to if you like, but concentrate on how it makes you feel relaxed remember how that feels on your shoulders, your arms, your hands and in your chest, practice and then try and recall that feeling just with your mind and feel it in your shoulders, your arms, your hands and your chest - keep recalling it whenever you feel bad or whenever your remember to do so. This is how you can train your mind to control the sensations in your body and give you back some control over your feelings, its takes time anxiety is physical response and the body learns to behave like this you have to just train it the other way it takes a longtime but it is worth it. There is some great books out there as well - really worth investing in yourself this way you can come out the other side more complete than you where before.

And Jay Ann is right in your own time and in your own way. you'll get there in the end just take sometime with yourself.

Best of luck :)