View Full Version : brain tumor anxiety. help im at the end of my tether.

19-01-11, 21:10
For about six months now i have dealt with persistent anxiety, i need help sometimes for weeks on end it is non existent but then one slight thing can cause a downward spiral into a terrible relapse.

My symptoms:
about six months ago i began to suffer from constant daily headaches, these have been gone for the past three months by the way
And as i said previously i suffer relapses this one in particular is to do with my vision and that once every day for a millisecond i will see a purplish blot of light on my perphiral vision, which for me fell under the visual problem section of brain tumour

I cant take this horrific feeling of anxiety any more and now see the anxiety as a potential symptom of a tumour, which i know in very rare cases it can be. Which as you can imagine creates a cycle of decline.

Please i beg you is there anyone out there who can put my mind at rest and giuide me on the right path back to sanity and relative normality.

19-01-11, 21:18
Hi there,

Ok brain tumours, pretty common worry for HA sufferers. I actually rendered myself unconscious a few years back and was convinced i had given myself a tumour so i know how terrible it feels to worry about this. Remember this is the anxiety, this is what it does to you, makes you beleive things that on other days you wouldn't fixate on.

Brain tumours do not (apart from extremely rare cases) cause headaches, visual disturbances yes but consistent and pronounced not flashes for a few seconds in the peripheral. Anxiety on the other hands does exactly your symptoms, first thing to do is remember that this is anxiety, then try and find a way of distracting yourself then you'll be able to think more clearly.

It is hard and my heart goes out to you, try and relax, i've been exactly where you are now and i am 99% back to my own self you'll get there too just take things easy and use the advice and exercises from this website to help with the symptoms of anxiety.


19-01-11, 21:21
It is very very rare to have a headache as the only symptom of a brain tumour. Headaches with brain tumours come on as a secondary symptom if at all. Primary symptoms are black outs and fits, stumbling and falling down or loss of sensory perception such as smell or loss of speech.

19-01-11, 21:25
I very much doubt its anything, but have you had a recent check up with an optician- very reassuring

anx x

20-01-11, 20:55
HI there, I struggle with this too.......every slight twinge in my head is a "brain tumor"....my step brother is currently recovering from having his 2nd grade 4 tumor removed....he is 26, has a little baby....it's awful I know, and I feel guilty everytime I think I have one, because deep down i know it's just the HA, and this is what I tell myself...over the last 6month my distance sight has gone downhill as well, so it doesnt help that i look round and things are blurred.,......as i am not sure how to get over this 100% yet I cant offer any really good advice. Just that it is not a brain tumor.....just keep telling yourself that, take each day as it comes....throw yourself into things you enjoy, and surround yourself with people that love you.....then one day you will just forget to worry......

Always here if you want to pm me xxx:winks: