View Full Version : Moving..

19-01-11, 23:55
Hi folks

Just to let you all know that my house exchange is going ahead and will be within the next couple of weeks.

I have to pack my whole house up, change my address with everything important, then arrange the flitting and go for it.

I am so stressed at the moment and i'm afraid i will have to take a wee break from NMP.

I will be back when i am settled and back online.

Hope you are all well, stay well and take care and i will talk to you all real soon.

Much love



19-01-11, 23:57
Hi Lisa,

good luck with your flit, hope you settle into your new home, and wont be long until your back online. miss ya already.


20-01-11, 00:05
Thats Brill Lisa .New start for you :yesyes: .We will miss you ..Take care and pace yourself . . Wishing you all the best with everything .Will be thinking of you till you come back ..luv Sue xx:bighug1:

20-01-11, 00:12
Good luck Lisa - hope the move goes well for you both and that you are soon settled and happy in your new home xxx

20-01-11, 01:02
Good luck :yesyes:. See you when you get back xxx

20-01-11, 02:08
Hi, Oh dear big task ahead, I hope you have someone to help you!

20-01-11, 16:25
Good luck BB - but don't think that you shall escape MM! I will be texting, emailing and phoning as per usual ;)

You deserve all the very best and I wish you and Ben happiness and contentment in your new abode x

20-01-11, 19:53
Hi Lisa,

Sounds like an exciting new start to the New Year. I hope the move goes smoothing, with as little stress as possible.

I’ve never had to do that myself (yet!) This is still my first house so I had very little for it at the time. The big items were delivered straight there, and the little bits from Mum & Dad’s I moved a bit at a time, as there was no rush to move in. A few things are still there :blush:

Best of luck :yesyes:

21-01-11, 00:23
Good luck Lisa

magpie girl
21-01-11, 19:44
Good luck in your new home lisa xxxx:bighug1:

21-01-11, 20:53
good luck in your new home Lisa. Moving is SO stressful, but you will get there in the end and I hope it's a happy move for you xxx:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
21-01-11, 21:15
Hope it all goes well for you Lisa , Good luck :hugs::hugs:
Paige xxx

Hazel B
21-01-11, 21:23
Best wishes, hope it goes well, don't forget to Redirect your post!


22-01-11, 18:39
Thank you all for your lovely messages. :flowers:

Ok maybe taking a break from here when my anxiety and stress levels are through the roof was one of my worse decissions. My 'Urticaria' has flared up, my stomach has been acting up, ive been having chest pains, head zaps and and feeling generally stressed and rubbish. I've got so much to do but my motivation and energy levels are zero.

Anyhoo moan over lol


22-01-11, 19:14
Hi Lisa,

It is known that moving house is one the most stressful nthings that you can do:weep:

However I am sure it will be worth it :yesyes: and your new home will be filled with happy memories for you and Ben soon enough.

Perhaps take a break from Admin duties here on NMP for a while and just be a member? We are here for you in any way that you need support as always:shades: Hope you feel a better and less stressed soon :)


22-01-11, 19:17
Thank you all for your lovely messages. :flowers:

Ok maybe taking a break from here when my anxiety and stress levels are through the roof was one of my worse decissions. My 'Urticaria' has flared up, my stomach has been acting up, ive been having chest pains, head zaps and and feeling generally stressed and rubbish. I've got so much to do but my motivation and energy levels are zero.

Anyhoo moan over lol


Thank God for that BB - now back to your desk please... We need you on here - never forget that :shades:

22-01-11, 19:18
Thank you so much Lynnann! :hugs:

I'm taking things slowly at the moment. Nic is doing quiz for me tonight and Froggy next week and Di has been a tower of strength.


23-01-11, 22:42
S o sorry you are feeling crap Lisa ..:hugs:Its very stressful but will be worth it ..Im glad to see you back ..It s not the same without you here ..Hope the stress levels and Uticaria improve.. till then give em a kick up the arris from me ...:buttkick:How dare they ..tsssk :mad:..t/c luv Sue xx

23-01-11, 22:54
Awww thank you so much BC. I am really trying mate.

I feel loads better today/tonight even though i have the dreaded flare up but i'm nowhere as near as anx as i was last night.

You guys are my support network and make things so much better for me.
