View Full Version : Has anyone experience of this?

28-03-06, 13:33
I have been referred by my community psychiatric nurse to the day unit at the local hospital. I have been diagnosed with panic disorder by her and the CBT therapist I see privately. She also says that I have agoraphobia but he disagrees and says that it's part of my panic disorder and if I had that under control I would not have the agoraphobia. I will be doing an anxiety management course and some other courses on self-esteem etc., They say that I will also be doing graded exposure which I have started privately with the CBT. I am really scared about being away from my house for the whole day and in a strange environment with people I don't know and would love to hear from anyone who has done this and their thoughts. The mere thought of being in a psychiatric unit is making me anxious so goodness knows what I will be like when I have start.

28-03-06, 13:48
any help spice is something to be welcomed. sounds like you have people there with a plan to get you better, grab it with open arms.

i believe many people are tricked into agraphobia by their phisical symptoms and more importantly there fear of them. hense i believe if the fear goes then life outside your home seems less daunting.

i know if it was me, a sense of relief would override anyfears about going. a feeling that there are people who care enough to set up an agenda.
it may be a bit intense but once you get used to it it will come naturally to you. let us know how you get on, if it goes well we could all demand it from our gps.lol


28-03-06, 21:08
Hi Spice

I can understand how scary the thought of attending a day unit is. I started attending a day unit 2 months ago and was so scared and panicky beforehand. I was scared of being with people I don't know, having to speak to people (as social phobia is part of my problem), being away from home and the internet all day - which had been my lifeline until then.

However, although I was anxious and it felt strange for the first week, I soon settled in and found that the other patients were very friendly and welcoming. I have actually met some people there I now consider friends and have made a lot of progress with speaking. I even manage to contribute to group therapy sessions at times, when not so long ago I wouldn't even have thought myself able to step foot in the door and stay, let alone speak in a group.

What I was imagining prior to starting there was so much worse than the reality and I have found it helpful, although I admit it is hard work and challenging.

Give it a go if you can and if it isn't for you then you can think again. It could be a very positive step in your recovery.

Is there a chance you could go for a look around before actually starting? I did this and it helped to reassure me as I had no idea what the day clinic would be like.

Good luck and I hope you are able to give it a go and get some benefit from it.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

29-03-06, 13:55

Thank you for your replies - they have really helped.
I am going to take a look around the unit on Monday morning with my partner and spend an hour there with him to get me used to the surroundings. I am also getting assesed on Monday so that they can work out how best they can help me.
I am going to be positive as these people are there to help me.

29-03-06, 17:57
That's great Spice. It is fear of the unknown which causes a lot of the worry and anxiety and visiting beforehand, with your partner, will be helpful.

I found it much less daunting having been for a look round rather than jumping in at the deep end and going for a whole day.

At the assessment you can say how you feel you would like this to work for you and what you'd like to get from the experience. I started off just attending for 2 afternoons but after a couple of weeks this wasn't really working for me, so after further discussions I now attend for 3 whole days a week.

It can be a bit of trial and error to start with but there can also be many benefits.

Let us know how it goes on Monday.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey