View Full Version : Migraines

20-01-11, 10:59
Am getting rather worried about my migraines, although speaking to the Doctor he does'nt seem unduly concerned.
I had migraines or rather "sick" headaches whilst going through puberty, Doc says they were prob abdominal migraines. These then stopped and cant remember having any more after about 16, though did occasionally get a one sided headache. When got to the perimenopause about 8 yrs ago, started getting Migraines with aura, and the associated nauseated feeling, which Migraleve seemed to help. They have been on and off since then, but last year started getting them in blocks, with the aura sometimes twice a day, nausea, but hardly any headache, and this would go on for 4 days, this happend twice, and since Sept no migraines, but on 7th Jan bang visual migraine, hardly any headache, and has been on & off since then. Doc said that as I seem to be managing them, ie hardly ever have to take painkillers, and BP is normal, and eye test all ok, and bloods that sometimes this can be an estrogen surge, (last period 11 months ago), or sometimes just a blip. Of course though this all sound utterly logical,but to a HA sufferer it is the most awful thing, feel worse for the fear and worry that it is something else. has anyone else had anything like this. Thanks

20-01-11, 11:43
I've had migraine with aura since I was quite young, but for me they got much, much worse when I went perimenopausal. Getting spates of attacks is also common and they can be really unpleasant. Have you thought about asking your doctor for something that might help to cut down the frequency of the attacks? I take beta-blockers, which do seem to help.

20-01-11, 12:25
Thanks for the reply I take Beta blockers (propranolol) was told to take them 3 times a day but as it hadnt been so bad only took 2 times a day, wonder if upping it to the "correct" dose may help, they are a nuisance, but it is the hypochondria in me that is the worst, but thinking about it I do feel rather PMTish.

Onward & upward

20-01-11, 16:12
I take a slow-release version so I only have to take it once a day, but it's 80mg which I believe is a fairly standard dose to help suppress migraines.

25-01-11, 12:26
Finally after working myself into a right state, went to the Surgery, and saw the relief Doc who is a lovely old guy, who totally put my mind at rest, and explained what was happening, ie, at my age and poss down to years of computer work, coupled with arthritic changes in the neck this is causing my occular migraines, told me I wouldnt panic if I had a sore toe when I was suffeing from sciatica, and this is somewhat like that, the blood vessels are being irritated, by the arthritis, thus causing the optic nerve to be over stimulated, prescribed some anti inflammatorys, and said come back in two weeks if they are not working, and not to be fobbed off by other Docs, with it is just your age, time of life etc, and if I am worried to go back and see him. I think I may have found my perfect doc