View Full Version : Bloating.

20-01-11, 11:06
Does anyone else wake up feeling bloated, even before they've eaten anything?


20-01-11, 11:16
Hi Horse, Yes I do. I find it's either because I've eaten a 'heavy' meal too late at night, or I need to drink more water. x

20-01-11, 17:11
Two weeks before every period, I gain about 6 to 8 pounds in water weight. It suuuuucks :roflmao:

20-01-11, 17:29
JessG, I don't have periods any more, but still put on water weight and forget to lock the doors...Now that suuuuucks:D..I thought all that stuff disappeared!

20-01-11, 18:28
Horse - you could be swallowing air without knowing it and that can bloat you.

20-01-11, 18:41
Yes, you could be right Nicola.

I will have to video myself in bed to see if I 'gulp' in air during the night!

That is one thing I definitely won't be posting on NMP.


20-01-11, 18:49
that's a shame Horse, I'd have looked forward to it... the narrative that is xx

20-01-11, 19:03
The only reason I mentioned it was that I used to see a dietician and one of the things she asked me was did I suffer panic/anxiety and when I asked why she said that we are more prone to "air swallowing" and it causes bloatedness.