View Full Version : Achievement - Well Kind of ?????

20-01-11, 11:44
Dear all

I am so proud of myself - I want to share it with you, because for me these are huge achievements.

Whilst I am feeling great in myself, the habit of not being able to do things because of panic is a big problem for me. Years of anxiety and a very bad year last year have left my confidence in tatters. I don't have much support from the people who are meant to be there for you either. Not a moan just a fact lol.

Anyway yesterday I had to go and have 24 hour blood pressure monitor fitted. I am rubbish at having this done in the surgery so I was anxious as you can imagine.

Arriving at the surgery set me off because there was no where to park, its only a wee surgery in a small village - I think the whole village must have been in the surgery. I didn't think I would be able to sit in the waiting room but I did - yes I was anxious but no panic!!!
I had this awful monitor fitted which didn't work to start with (you can imagine why my bp was high can't you lol).

I struggled with the monitor itself and only lasted 12hours with it, that is a result for me, but probably not what the GP will say. the bit round my arm went really tight and now i have some fab bruises.

Anyway I had to take it back to the hospital in the next village this morning. MMM this means I have to go in to the hospital!!!! Again out of my comfort zone but I did it.
Imagine my surprise though when the Receptionist said can you hang on - the Nurse wants a word with you!! eeeekkkkk !!!

I wanted to run out and say no, but I didn't!!!! this new surgery are really helping me so it's only fair I do as they ask. So I sat in the new hospital waiting room and waited for the Nurse.
You probably think I am nuts - but for me this is big big results.

And the best bit - I had a great chat with the nurse, a little giggle and gossip and then sauntered out of the hospital - not an ounce of anxiety!!!!

Am I a smiley chick today or what !!!!!!


20-01-11, 11:53
Wow well done you.

I remember doing something similar last year so i understand how big an achievement it is.

And it is such a good feeling when the panic doesn't come.

So be very proud of yourself :hugs:

di xx

20-01-11, 14:26
That is such a happy story, gave me a smile...well done...so for the next challenged?

paula lynne
20-01-11, 15:31
How brill are you x :D Result.

Keep it up lovely girl x

Hazel B
20-01-11, 16:13
Well done, that's great to read!


20-01-11, 16:23
Well done Ditzy, you have every right to be proud of yourself :yesyes:

20-01-11, 16:50
Next Challenge - i want to join the patient participation group with the surgery. I am determined to get some awareness and acceptance for anxiety/ panic suffers.

My GP is in kinks coz I am hassling Mr Cameron - not get me anywhere yet but I am NOT giving up.

Any supporters are welcomexx

21-01-11, 00:50
That is amazing!!!!!!!!! Well done u!!!! xxxx

21-01-11, 01:14
Wow, that's a huge achievement, well done!

If that was me it would be a turning point where I would realise that I could control my anxiety.