View Full Version : What is this suffocatting feeling?

anx mum
20-01-11, 13:38
Plz help has ayone else had like they cant breath get a suffocatting feeling? My doc said my ox levels was 98 so what is this?

paula lynne
20-01-11, 13:44
Hi, oxygen saturations of 98% is excellent.
Your anxiety is causing this feeling. :)

anx mum
20-01-11, 13:45
Hi, oxygen saturations of 98% is excellent.
Your anxiety is causing this feeling. :)

Its awful worst symptom of all sat here again in tears tried blowing in a paper bag.

20-01-11, 13:47
I get this all the time, doc said mine are 99% so I presume it's all anxiety. I wake in the night with a gasp thinking I'd been holding my breath when I was asleep or my body will forget how to sleep. And it feels like someone is standing on my chest, or squeezing it. It's so scary :( and difficult to realise it is anxiety. But I guess we can take comfort knowing it is because a lot of people get it.

Try breathing so your stomach rises and falls. Instead of your chest.

I wish I'd believe my own advice :(

paula lynne
20-01-11, 13:48
You are doing the right thing. Try and stop crying, then you can concentrate on using the paper bag properly. You will get enough air. You will be ok x

anx mum
20-01-11, 13:57
You are doing the right thing. Try and stop crying, then you can concentrate on using the paper bag properly. You will get enough air. You will be ok x

How long do u blow into paper bag for?

20-01-11, 14:27
i feel fdor you so much as in thre past had this not nice your levals are fine love ,,try this count from a thousand backwards while breathing deep it works,i do hope you feel better soon hun:hugs:

20-01-11, 15:01
i used to get this a lot. my mum taught me a good breathing technique which distracts you too. put one finger over your right nostril and breath in, then put the finger over your left nostril and breathe out.... breathe back in and then switch fingers back to your right nostril and breathe out...breathe back in and switch back to your left nostril... keep alternating nostrils... it's great for calming down. you may feel at first youre not getting enough breath through your nose. don't panic, you are, just try and slow and relax into it. my oxygen levels are also 98 and i've been alive and kicking for 23 years! xxx

20-01-11, 15:02
hi Holly here .Thats agreat tip thanks gypsywoman

anx mum
20-01-11, 16:41
i feel fdor you so much as in thre past had this not nice your levals are fine love ,,try this count from a thousand backwards while breathing deep it works,i do hope you feel better soon hun:hugs:

How long did u have the feeling for hun when u got it did u panic?

20-01-11, 20:43
Hi hun.....really,this is one of my main symptoms and has been for the past 3 years on and off. Im having a bad time with it lately, but truthfully, it IS anxiety, nothing more. I think the tip of breathing in one nostril and out of the other sounds excellent.....will try that one! Try not to focus on it as this makes it worse....(i wish i could tell myself that when im feeling bad). Have you tried camomile tea? I am finding that is heping. Chin up hun, you WILL get through this xxxx

anx mum
20-01-11, 20:48
Hi hun.....really,this is one of my main symptoms and has been for the past 3 years on and off. Im having a bad time with it lately, but truthfully, it IS anxiety, nothing more. I think the tip of breathing in one nostril and out of the other sounds excellent.....will try that one! Try not to focus on it as this makes it worse....(i wish i could tell myself that when im feeling bad). Have you tried camomile tea? I am finding that is heping. Chin up hun, you WILL get through this xxxx

How do u get through it do distract yourself had it so many times but everytime scares me. Feels like your gonna suffocate and stop breathing my hubby keeps saying your breathing is ok but to me it feels awful

20-01-11, 21:02
I will be honest with you, sometimes i cant distract myself from it and focus on it all day. But i think i just try to keep telling myself that its an anxiety symptom. Other times i try so hard to focus on something else...read a book, do some housework, call a friend for a chat....the best one i have done so far is excersize. I have gone to an excersize class before now when i truly felt there wasnt another breath left in me....and i survive.each time which kind of gets through to you that you WONT stop breathing! I always feel better after excersize.
My hubby always says he thinks i just think about it too much, i know hes right xx

21-01-11, 09:06
Did you read my tip anxmum?

anx mum
21-01-11, 09:46
Did you read my tip anxmum?

Yeah thanks hun still getting feeling does it work?

21-01-11, 10:48
What is Hyperventilation Syndrome?

Hyperventilation Syndrome (http://www.hyperventilation-syndrome.com/) is an unusual condition that is a result of rapid breathing. During rapid breathing, the oxygen/carbon dioxide balance in the blood is disturbed, resulting in an oxygen level that is too high and a depleted level of carbon dioxide. This deficiency in carbon dioxide causes those suffering from Hyperventilation Syndrome to feel like they are not getting enough air, when actually the reverse is true.
With only limited amounts of carbon dioxide present in the blood, the overall pH of the blood rises creating a condition called respiratory alkalosis. The high blood pH causes the symptoms to become worse, which in turn, causes the sufferer to breathe even more rapidly. Respiratory alkalosis leads to functional changes in the nervous system, causing a wide variety of odd symptoms, some in puzzling combinations. This change in nervous system functioning explains why those who suffer from Hyperventilation Syndrome complain of symptoms such as; fatigue, weakness, insomnia or nightmares, chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, abdominal pain, and excessive nerve sensitivity.

Hope this helps - i've had it for years. You need to develop coping strategies that are best for you. There is a lot of info on the net about it - I also bought a good book about it.
Its very common with axiety/panic suffered. The more you panic about it, the worse it will get.

take care


21-01-11, 11:33
What is Hyperventilation Syndrome?

Hyperventilation Syndrome (http://www.hyperventilation-syndrome.com/) is an unusual condition that is a result of rapid breathing. During rapid breathing, the oxygen/carbon dioxide balance in the blood is disturbed, resulting in an oxygen level that is too high and a depleted level of carbon dioxide. This deficiency in carbon dioxide causes those suffering from Hyperventilation Syndrome to feel like they are not getting enough air, when actually the reverse is true.
With only limited amounts of carbon dioxide present in the blood, the overall pH of the blood rises creating a condition called respiratory alkalosis. The high blood pH causes the symptoms to become worse, which in turn, causes the sufferer to breathe even more rapidly. Respiratory alkalosis leads to functional changes in the nervous system, causing a wide variety of odd symptoms, some in puzzling combinations. This change in nervous system functioning explains why those who suffer from Hyperventilation Syndrome complain of symptoms such as; fatigue, weakness, insomnia or nightmares, chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, abdominal pain, and excessive nerve sensitivity.

Hope this helps - i've had it for years. You need to develop coping strategies that are best for you. There is a lot of info on the net about it - I also bought a good book about it.
Its very common with axiety/panic suffered. The more you panic about it, the worse it will get.

take care

very good post