View Full Version : Absolutely terrified about lymphoma - please please help

20-01-11, 14:17
hi there

I've posted on here before about this but I'm having such a bad bad day today and I hoped that someone could give me some advice/reasuurance.

I've had a lump under my right armpit for about 6 weeks now. It hasn't grown at all and isn't tender to touch. It does move around under the skin.

I had my dr check this and she said it feels ok and probably due to a recent throat/chest infection. She said she wasn't worried about it but if it was still there in a month to come back.

I've also got a fullness feeling in my left ear and possibly a hard lump behind my earlobe. I am also having a tender achey feeling in my left upper chest area and pain in the armpit on that side.

I have a drs appointment for monday but I'm not sure how I'll get throught the next few days worrying that I have lymphoma.

I've also stupidly googled symptoms and night sweats is one of them, which I experience occasionally (once a week maybe).

It also said on a website that any armpit lump is cause for concern and should be evaluated.

My dr is great and I know she'll reassure me or send me for further testing to put my mind at rest but I don't know hiw I'll get through the next few days :weep:

My HA seems to be out of control at the moment and I feel so helpless.

Can anyone help?

Sorry for the long post x

20-01-11, 14:29
you know we dont google ,its the worst thing you can do with anxiety ,,it could be swollen gland

20-01-11, 14:30

i had the same under one arm , it was there for months and worried me sick , i also had the nodes under my nech swell up and said it was a virus ?

Eventually (for peace of mind) they sent me to the breast clinic (i,m male) for a scan of the node which had gone down by then but took months .
I also had pains in my left chest and under my arms and neck .

They everything was fine , i also googled my symptyms , never again .

Trust your Doc they see this kind of thing all the time .

20-01-11, 21:48

My dad has lymphoma and his night sweats were so bad he was changing sheets and clothes all night everynight for weeks, so if your experiencing night sweats only once week then thats not a symptom of the lymphoma.

please dont google, we all do it and we always end up thinking the worst

mandie x