View Full Version : maybe new start

20-01-11, 15:08
hi my names dan im 29, i have suffered yrs of social anxiety, and for the past for yrs really bad depression, i used to be a semi pro footballer but gradually my nerves and anxiety got the better of me and now im affraid im just stuck in my room looking for an escape. i dont need to explain my situation in detail coz im sure you all know, however on top of my condition ive had various family deaths to deal with along with terrible girlfriends and serious knee injurys. ive recently been put on citalopram 20mgs and im hoping this may be the time to finally come out of my shell so to speak

20-01-11, 15:10
Hi dano13422

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-01-11, 16:12
Welcome Dano:D

Only just joined myself and on day 6 of Citalopram . Side effects (i think) were increased depression and anxiety for me plus i can,t sleep very well , but i don,t know if this is the meds really or i would have been like this anyway .
From what i,ve read some have had great results with them but it does take awhile .


20-01-11, 16:20
:welcome: Dan hope things start to look up for you x

20-01-11, 16:26
Welcome Dan. Here to help each other if needed.

20-01-11, 18:56
thanks everyone

20-01-11, 19:01
Hi dano13422, you'll find loads of support on this site..

20-01-11, 19:38
Hi All...

I am new to the site today as well...doc gave me script for one 5mg Escitalopram at night starting tonight, am soooo scared of side effects. So much so that Ive suffered for 3 years now with anxiety/panic. But is now at the stage where I am scared when alone at home now, so got to do something!!! How long will the side effects last, are they really as horrible as I read? Be honest guys!!! thanks

20-01-11, 19:48
Hi, the side effects last about two weeks and then won't get any worse... after that each day will be a process of taking the tablets and waiting for them to start to work and believe me when they work they are fantastic.
Some people find they work quicker than others, but just stick with it cos at the end of the day we already feel crap what is a few more weeks........... good luck and keep us updated with your progress xx

20-01-11, 20:51
5th day today (citalopram) not really any side effect maybe a bit of tiredness

11-02-11, 18:11
Hello,i am new too,it looks a good site for support for us