View Full Version : My therapy

28-03-06, 15:02
I have a therapist at the moment who visits me once a fortnight and a home support worker also once a fortnight.

I've been seeing my therapist for nearly a year and I've been booked to go to a clinic to see a psycologist but so far no date had been set.

Lately when my therapist comes to visit, the main focus has been to get me to the clinic and she has been pushing me further. Today I rang her about something and she told me that she is going to have a meeting with the psycologist and they are going to set a date for me to get there. But she also told me last week that when you go to the clinic, you have to be able to attend the appointments and she said she'd have a meeting as to how we'd work on getting me there.

I am worried if I'll be able to get there on the date I am given. I've told my therapist this and she said It's been a year now and I can't see you forever. I understand that but I just feel pressure that if I can't get there on the date I'm given then I can't have the appointments and I also feel pressure that I have to be able to attend each one. I feel a bit panicky and upset.


28-03-06, 15:12
Heather try not to feel panicky over this as its definately a step forward.

It's lovely to have the help and just think how pleased with yourself you will be to achieve this.

It's natural to fear something new but this is a positive 'new' experience.

Go for it hun :D:D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-03-06, 15:51
Hi Heather

I understand how you feel too & i know you can do it.

Keep positive

We can beat this.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

28-03-06, 20:55
Hi Heather

This is an understandable fear but your therapist or support worker could help you by accompanying you on a couple of practice runs before the actual appointment maybe.

A couple of months ago I started attending a clinic for day patient treatment and I was very scared and panicky beforehand. Being with people I don't know is one of my fears, as is talking.

However, once I actually got there I found I settled in fairly quickly and my imagined fears were much worse than anything that happened in reality.

Think of this as a positive step towards recovery. It is not easy and we all start off taking one small step after another. With help and support you can get there.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

28-03-06, 21:21
Thank you for your replies. It does make me feel better posting on here.

Piglet and Alex: Thank you for understanding and I will try stay positive and focused on why I'm going to the clinic. :)

Karen: Thank you also for understanding and sharing your experience of going to a clinic. That helped me thank you. I also have some problems with talking, I have social phobia. I'm getting better with it slowly.

Thanks again for all your replies, it's really helped. :)


29-03-06, 18:12
Hi Heather

Take it gently and prepare for this. It is progress for you.

Its the words she used that have thrown you - *have to attend *etc . Immediately throws up a vision of being instructed and no flexibility and all those inadequacies that we are used to telling ourselves and thats started most of this off anyway come flooding back.

You are doing ok and bit by bit you will aim higher and reach it.

Take it at your speed whilst being mindful that its self push that works not being pushed, unlike whats always been expected of us within our work situations !

You take good care please ..

Meg xx

30-03-06, 10:53
Thank you Meg, It is the "have to attend for a certain date etc" that worried me like you said. I will look after myself and take it step by step. :)

I was feeling panicky again and having difficulty eating yesterday afternoon, I'd started thinking about it again. So I phoned my therapist again and I explained how panicky I was feeling etc. She said to try not to worry and that she'll support me in getting to the clinic. Also the psycologist knows how bad my anxiety is and she will be flexible. She has been told I'm worried about getting there on a certain date and worried about getting to each appointment. I feel better knowing that.
