View Full Version : Confusion scaring me

20-01-11, 15:23
I've been suffering from a fair amount of confusion for the last few years and it's really starting to scare me.

I'll do things like make a cup of tea then immediately forget I've made the cup of tea and think "I want a cup of tea" - go back to the kettle, be about to put a teabag in a cup and the cup will already be full of tea (that I've just made) but I don't remember making it.

I also forget the start of conversations quite quickly. Just now my boyfriend asked me to phone the estate agent about something and I phoned them and talked to them about what I thought I was supposed to be talking about then looked back at the start of the conversation (we're talking online) and he'd told me a load of stuff I'd just forgotten was there. I guess it's different when you're talking online but, still...

I forget everything, my brain feels sluggish, it's soooo difficult to concentrate. I suppose I think that the lack of concentration is probably the cause of all the rest of it, the short-term memory etc, because I'm just not focusing on what I'm doing, but it keep getting scared when I do things and have no recollection of doing them at all.

Has anybody else had this?

20-01-11, 18:52
anxiety and depression really does affect your short term memory.
its hard to have a conversation if your feeling anxious.
its hard to remember stuff when your tired.

I'm always leaving thing down only to completely have no clue where i left it two seconds later.
i once went to fill the sugar bowel, ended up pouring all the sugar into my tea.
I walk into a room and forget what I went in there for.
I'm always forgetting stuff too so i like to write down little reminders.
I go to town to buy something and end up buying everything and forgetting the one thing i actually went into town for.