View Full Version : 2010-2011.

20-01-11, 15:52
I guess, looking back my life now count's as a success story. 2010 was pretty tough for me. I have suffered from anxiaty and panic attacks since I was in year 7, (2007), I hardly did any school in year 7 or 8 and I even struggled to eat at home. I was very underweight and the stress of the doctors wanting to weigh me every week didn't help. I slowley, and I mena SLOWLEY became better. And now im here, where I am today.

Christmas 2009 wasn't good, my grandma was very very very poorly so we were all on the edge all the time. I entered 2010 with swine flu, not the best strat to the year, then my dad was very ill with swine flu for 3 weeks after me. Things began to setting into normal and I celebrated my 15th birthday on the 7th of Febuary then my mum's on the 11th, but we were all still worried about my grandma. On the 17th of febuary (my best friends birthday) my grandmas sadly passed away. The nurses rang up in the morning saying that she wasn't good, but we hadn't done anything those holidays so my mum took me shopping, we were just leaving the shops and they rang again, asking us to come, so we did. My dad picked me up from outside the care home, I couldn't face seeing her if she was that bad, and he took me home. About 15mins later my mum arrived home with the news that 10mins before she had passed away. For months after that I blamed myself that my mum wasnt with my grandma when she died, because I had made my mum take me shopping. I know it wasnt my fault, but I still blamed myself. The funeral was in march and we setting in to our 'normal' life. April 2010, my mum had a heart attack!!!! A VERY stressful time, throught out the rest of the year we went to greece, and I was ill, we went to the isle of man, the no phone signal nearly killed me. My bestfriend got a new boyfriend and even now she dosn't want to be my friend because she only needs him. Seriosly there the sort of couple that can kiss for ages and somehow still manage to breath. Gross!
My dog lost her eye, my other dog had a phantom pregnancy and the my one-eyed dog had a toumor. My gymnastics injured my shoulder and wasn't able to do much for months, then I had problems with m hip. Christmas wasn't great either, I think it was because my grandma wasn't around. Since I was born my grandma had always been around at christmas.

Through all that I am very glad to say that I COPED!
Life's getting better, I now have no trouble eating and sleeping, I VERY rarley have a panic attack and I have met someone who has really influenced me, weather she knows it or not. I met her though youtube, I was one of her gymnastics video's and then I made her a montage (many were to follow) we started e-mailing and video chatting and im July this year I am going all the way to Canda from the UK to meet her!!!

I have so much to look forward to-
My 16th birthday
My posh 16th Party
and CANADA!!!

Wish me luck x

Tasha :D

20-01-11, 15:56
This is Sabrina on my youtube channel/


paula lynne
20-01-11, 15:58
Tasha you DO have a lot to look forward too, youve got your whole life ahead. Grab it with both hands and enjoy every minute! Have a great trip to Canada x:D

macc noodle
20-01-11, 16:06
Have been on your you tube channel and you are one very talented young lady and I am sure your parents are soooooo proud of you.

Your post is inspiring - you have dealt with adversity and come out the other side - brilliant and well done :D

Onwards and upwards!!!!!

25-03-11, 09:08
Thanks alot! :D

Un fortunally I have ripped a muscle attached to my hip because my hip moved, so im on crutches for a few months, but I am determaned to get back on track"