View Full Version : Anxiety & Citalopram? Not sure whether to start taking it.

20-01-11, 17:09
I've been pescribed Citalopram for my anxiety following my mothers death on October :(. She was my hero and I miss her so much. It's triggered health anxiety, and anxiety in general. And I keep getting terrified about various health reasons and just anxious in general.

I'm only 22, and im not sure whether to take it, part due to the side effects, and part due to me thinking I should be able to get through this without medication. And also coming off the drug worries me, incase my brain gets used to it.

I've bought a book on health anxiety, and on cognitive behavioural therapy. So maybe these will help. My health anxiety has been chronic, unbearable. The last two days it's been a tiny bit better but mainly due to my Aunty staying here. She's leaving tomorrow.

I also get anxiety from living in the flat where I saw my dear mother die, suddenly infront of me. This creates such stress and anxiety, because I woke up to the noise of what was happening. So any noise gives me a big fright. I find being with my boyfriend a massive comfort, he's my rock and best friend. Been together almost 4 years. And the problem is my sister also lives with me and I find it a major stress trying to balance and juggle my time. My boyfriend lives 2 hours away and I just want to be with all the time but I feel I can't because I'd be leaving her, even though we've each got our own lives. I shouldn't have to feel guilty about it. Because I need to do what makes me happy, especially now. It's stressful having the pressure, I feel like everythings just too much! I don't know how to get rid of the guilt, juggle everything, anxiety, terrible grief, and everything.

So should I take Citalopram? What are the main side effects? Are they dangerous? Do they help? Thank you so much if anyone takes the tine to read this and reply. Xxx

20-01-11, 17:14
Hi there,

I am so sorry to hear about your mum, I cannot imagine what you went through, and are still going through.
I am on Citalopram myself for anxiety, I suffer quite bad panic attacks and anxiety....I take 20mg....the side effects you get are not that pleasant but they only last 2-3 days max once you start taking them, and you can still function....I was working etc.....I feel so much better 6months on and will be gradually coming off them over the next couple of months. They basically help you become calmer and reasonably order your thoughts, so that when you do come off of them your mind is conditioned if you want to feeling more positive about things, and reasoning with the negatives.

I hope that makes sense.....

If you ever want to chat, or just type meaningless rantings you can always pm me

Stephie xx

20-01-11, 19:08
I too am on Citalopram, initially I was prescribed Setraline but found I felt worse anxiety wise and the nausea hard going and they made me abit spacey nnoy ideal when u have a 2 yr old! . I have had a short course of Citalopram before and it really helped take the edge of the worry so that I could sort myself out and am hoping it will do same again this time.

It does take a few days to get going but I have already found that I am feeling calmer and getting better rest at night (for me the anxiety is heightened by lack of sleep big time) and can cope a little bit better than the last couple of months. Its not a failure to take meds sometimes its just that little extra help we need to clear out mind and start dealing with the issues properly.

Its so good knowing this place is here for all of us x

20-01-11, 23:24
I,m on day 6 , felt worse this week , very tearfull and find it hard to sleep without a 2 mg of valium at night , but not sure if they really are side effects as i was getting like this anyway . No sickness etc etc like it says it the leaflet . Go for it :yesyes: