View Full Version : Staying Positive

20-01-11, 18:19
I've been really struggling the last few months since i moved from my hometown, my agora started taking a real nose dive along with health anx.

I really find it so difficult to go places round here without panicking, so the loneliness of not going anywhere and being in the house all day was really beginning to have a bad effect on me, so much so i was contemplating packing up with my little girl and going back.

:lac:Shame on you di

So today, another lonely one i decided that its just not in me to give up so easily, if i can be okay back home then i can be okay here, so i got an idea and this is it.

I have worked in pub kitchens before and i have done millions of buffets, and no-one does food in the pubs here, so i'm going to resit my food and hygiene and offer to put food on in the pubs and advertise buffets in the local social club.

These places are only a short way and its something i can manage and i can resit my certificate online.

Get your butt outta that house di :yesyes:

20-01-11, 18:24
No shame Di, we can all feel like going back to our 'comfort zone'!
Massive congrats on looking forward and doing something about it!!!:yesyes::hugs:xxx

magpie girl
20-01-11, 18:27
Sounds like a fantastic idea,and your giving something to the new community you live in.It will build your convidence back up and it will be like you have always lived there in no time !!!!!!Im up for tasting all food samples if needed lol xxxxxx

20-01-11, 18:31
Hi Di,

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been struggling a bit of late :hugs:

This sounds like a good plan though, especially if it’s something you know you can be good at. Something positive to focus on.

“if i can be okay back home then i can be okay here”

You know what... a very wise friend of mine used to tell people, “You are your own safe place.”
I think you kinda said exactly the same thing there.

Best of luck :yahoo:

20-01-11, 18:53
Thank you all :bighug1:xx

20-01-11, 19:29

I am so pleased to read this today and you sounding more positive.

Way to go mate :yahoo:

20-01-11, 20:04
Well done Bootsie - that's the spirit. Get out there and show the world what you're made of. Wish you every success and please inform me about the buffet - could do with a free meal :D

20-01-11, 20:42
Yay!!!! Go DI!!! :yesyes:

We need to see posts like this and ths ones on the Success stories section and take notice of them if poss..if we don't make the changes ourselves then nobody else will, no matter how bad we feel.
I'm going through some of the old stuff again (if anyone says blip I'll have to get MM on the case..I hate that word!) but remain confident that it will pass when it's ready.

You were one of the people that gave me so much encouragement to get out there when I was scared shi..ahem, witless, so here's a gentle boot up the bum for Bootsie.

JFDI! :hugs:

20-01-11, 21:25
Thanks nic mel and ange,

ange you are so right, the only people who can help us is ourselves and with the help of cbt i will get myself sorted again, along with some positive thoughts and postive lovely nmp friends support.

I am so going to kick this agora's butt, it is not taking over my life because i'm not letting it, i hit a bad place because i moved away, and i promise i'll try not to say blip :whistles: i just lost my confidence.

But i think i found it again, it must have been still packed away in a box when i moved :roflmao:

paula lynne
20-01-11, 21:27
Go Di Go Di!!! Keep kicking butt love. All the best with food and hygiene, youll walk it. That village needs a girl like you by the sounds of it. They are lucky to have you. Go out and go for it.....x:)

20-01-11, 21:30
promise i'll try not to say blip :whistles:

Right Bootsie - comrade LB has sent her orders...


20-01-11, 21:42
ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MM :roflmao:

20-01-11, 21:46
Good for you hun, take one day at a time too.

And if you have an off day - so what, share with us and we will soon get you
back on track.

Take care and keep us updated - its so good to hear positive steps - it keeps me motivated and that is a task in itself!!!!lolxxx

20-01-11, 21:53
Thanks paula and ditzy :hugs:

When i've set it all up and its running i will appear on success page :winks:

And i may just send you all little samples for tasting, although could be a bit squished by postman :roflmao:

20-01-11, 22:05
Hi Diana
You seem like such a lovely person, and I wish you all the best, and hope things improve for you.
Its never easy moving to somewhere totally new.
Wishing you all the best.
Sending you hugs :hugs:

21-01-11, 10:37
Thank you poppy :hugs:

21-01-11, 10:44
Di what a brilliant idea. Now you have nearly 3 pages of posts, no going back okay! I want to hear all about it at every stage :blush:

Well done Di... these are the things that pick us back up again, you are fabulous


21-01-11, 10:48
Thanks allergyphobia

I'm a woman on a mission and i will let you know how it all goes :yesyes:

21-01-11, 11:17
Thats a brilliant idea Di ..Im sure you will feel better once you make the first step .It will help with the AGGRA and also get you out meeting people .Its hard when you move and things arent familiar even when you dont have these kind of problems .Im sure you will do it and we will be here for you to support &encourage you on your way .

If your mind can percieve it and your heart desire it .Then you can achieve it :yesyes:

All the very best ..luv Sue xx:hugs:

21-01-11, 11:25
Thank you for the support sue

di xx

23-01-11, 11:34
Got my two first jobs booked now and i haven't even done my adverts yet :yesyes:

23-01-11, 13:09
That is brilliant news - you keep fighting chick, you can do this.:bighug:

23-01-11, 14:57
Got my two first jobs booked now and i haven't even done my adverts yet :yesyes:

Excellent news Bootsie - a great big WELL DONE to you!

Now please let us know where and when and we'll be over like a shot with BB ;)

PS - will bring my own pickles :wacko:

23-01-11, 15:47
Well done Di ..Sounds like you aint gonna let the grass grow under your feet ..Brilliant start ...:yesyes:.. luv Sue xx

24-01-11, 17:24
Thanks ditzy, mel and sue.

I'm well and truly on a roll, i found out that one of the pubs has just been taken over, so i popped up there and asked him did he need a cleaner, he did and as he was telling me he wanted to do bar food i offered to that too :roflmao:sorted, i'll soon be back to full time the way i am going.

24-01-11, 17:26
Di this is brilliant! You definitely aren't just a sayer, you're a doer! Congratulations xxx

24-01-11, 17:31
contragulations Di, :hugs:

24-01-11, 17:33
Thank you allergy and yvonne :hugs:

24-01-11, 19:51
Wow Bootsie you've been busy whilst I've been away!! Brill news and well done!!:D:hugs:

24-01-11, 19:53
Thanks gaaron x

24-01-11, 20:05
Massive well done oor Di. :yesyes:

You are definately one of lifes fighters. No matter what's thrown at you, you come back kicking ass.

Proud of you mate

Love Lisa

24-01-11, 21:02
Well Done Di,

Way to go gal :yesyes:


24-01-11, 21:04
Thank you lisa and lynnann xx

08-02-11, 15:20
Just wanted to update this post to give others some hope, i started my cleaning job on Sunday and walked there and back on my own.

It gave me a real confidence boost, i did get a bit panicky at one point as i realised i didn't have a phone signal, and couldn't phone anyone, but then i remembered everything i have been taught on the cbt course and how not to fear the panic, anyway i didn't fear it and it didnt come.

There is hope for everyone :yesyes:

08-02-11, 15:54
YES diane! feel the fear and do it anyway?? yes yes yes :yesyes:

sooo happy for you :hugs:
