View Full Version : Scared

20-01-11, 18:58
Hi All.

Ive had anxiety on & off for 3 years now, but the last few months its been getting bad again. Been to the docs today & she has given me 5mg Escitalopram to start taking tonight (one each night).....sooo scared of side effects.

Has anyone had any experience (positive if possible) that they can share with me?


20-01-11, 18:59
Hi Christine662

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-01-11, 19:01
Hi and :welcome:

Here is a good starting place for you:


20-01-11, 19:02
Hi Christine662, I haven't taken those meds but you'll find loads of support on this site..

20-01-11, 19:41

Thanks for such a warm welcome.....I dont feel so alone. (weird isnt it that one)???

When you are going through this, you can be at home with the family (going through the motions) and still feel so alone.

Especially as I have always been the stong one all this time, and now I need soemone to hold me up....they dont know what to do, so tend to 'skirt' around the issue if I ever try to talk about it.

Oh well, Ive found this site now, so feel lots better already.

20-01-11, 19:49
Hi Christine

I only joined this yesterday i headed my first message as not alone and after having a very quick look through the forum i don't feel alone now.
Its nice to know. I'm afraid i haven't taken those meds but i'm sure you will get some greta advice from some one who has.
I now think that were all in this together.

Vanilla Sky
21-01-11, 11:30
Welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x