View Full Version : How does lack of sleep affect your anxiety?

20-01-11, 19:04
Hey guys,

I was just curious to know if their anxiety is worse when they don't sleep well.

For example, I barely got had any sleep last night and I woke up jumping out of my sleep with a pounding heart and shortness of breath.

I was in a deep sleep and I woke up from a nightmare. Anyways now I'm all panicky.

My left chest, left arm and back are all tight all, my breathing is a bit werid, I'm lightheaded and Im having palps. Plus heartburn :mad: I thought I was dying so I tested my blood pressure and its 108/79 and my hr is 92.

Anyways just curious to see if anyone suffers from worsen anxiety due to lack of sleep.

20-01-11, 19:14
I'm more apt to have a panic attack after not sleeping well. In general, I'll be a little more jittery and on edge, and more likely to feel like my grip on reality is not as tight as it should be. My mind will also race a little more if my sleep was not recuperative.

Generally on days like that I try to get in short nap in the afternoon, not long enough to keep me awake the next night but enough to help settle the jitters and stop me from growling like caged animal. If it is really bad, I end up taking a small amount of Xanax to keep the worst of the systems at bay and let me get at least something productive done.

20-01-11, 19:28
Wow I'm totally the same way. Definitely jittery and my mind is going a million miler per hour.

As much as I'd like to, I can't sleep during the day. Even after a ong day from school, and work and I come home early, I don't take a nap or I'll be up all night.

I'm also a very light sleeper which I hate cuz the sounp of a pin dropping cpuld wake me up sometimes and that's what makes me jittery.

20-01-11, 20:45
If I dont sleep well at night or not at all. I am very jittery and anxious next day, my muscles ache, chest and left arm. And I get all paranoid and emotional over the slightest thing. I understand how you feel.

20-01-11, 20:48
Hi, i am definitely worse when im tired. Get very anxious and irrational thinking (

21-01-11, 09:49
Same for me as well - definitely worse when I'm tired or have had a bad night's sleep. There is nothing worse that waking in the night and feeling anxious; your sleep afterwards is disturbed and often you feel awful for the rest of the following day.

28-02-12, 20:59
it knocks me for six every time , I have been suffering very badly with sleep lately and as soon as Im up panic sets in , irrational thinking etc its a struggle at times

28-02-12, 21:03
Sometimes when I haven't had enough sleep, I get really wired and feel like I'm not really there, but have lots of energy? I don't feel like I really NEED to sleep, I think we move beyond tiredness sometimes. I've had occasions where I've been up all night and feel more sort of awake than I do when I've had 6 hours of sleep! Strange...

28-02-12, 21:37
i really believe sleep is the key...if i have no worries,i sleep well,if i sleep well...my day goes well etc etc.......

28-02-12, 21:46
Wow I started this thread a while ago. Glad to see people relating to it. :)