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View Full Version : Feeling anxious about my ill son

20-01-11, 19:54

My health anxiety is not just about me. I worry a lot about my children too.

My 3 year old son has developed a temperature this evening, refused to eat and has just fallen asleep in my arms. He is certainly not himself! He usuallly eats really well and is a monkey about going to bed!! I gave him some neurofen and a coolish bath and he seemed a little better. He said that nothing hurt him.

But I feel very tense and anxious. A temperature is a sign of menningitis or swine flu and I am so worried that he is going to become really poorly! My husband is out until late, my older kids are just chlling out watching the tv and I feel very alone with my fears. I just wanted a little reasuurance please x

20-01-11, 19:59
Hi Jo, when my kids were little they always got temperatures when they were ill, but it was never anything serious. You did the right thing in giving him neurofen (paediatric, I presume!) and the bath. Just keep an eye on him and keep trying to keep him cool and I'm sure he'll be all right. If he gets worse and you are concerned, phone NHS 24 x

20-01-11, 21:12
Hi there

I have 4 children and also have Health Anxiety.

Over the years whenever one of my children is ill I convince myself that it's something bad. We have so many illness over the years as my eldest is 9.

I used to be so neurotic when one of them was ill that I used to drive myself crazy. But i have had to calm down over the years and have learnt that children get LOTS of illnesses.

There are so many viruses going around at the moment that I'm sure your son has just picked something up. Whenever my children have temperatures they always want to sleep and my middle son always vomits with a temp and has rapid breathing (scared the hell out of me the first time but I now know that's how his body reacts).

Childrens neurofen (ibruprofen) is the best thing for getting temps down and you can also give calpol (paracetamol) 2 hours later.

I hope your son get's better soon and I know what kids are like, they are very resiliant and I'm sure he'll be right as rain in a couple of days. My 9 month old was really poorly before christmas. he had a temp and an ear, throat and chest infection. He was fine after a few days. Take your son to the dr if you feel it might be an infection. In my experience viral infections dont really give them pain anywhere, they just make them feel lousy.

Hope that helps put your mind at rest. xx