View Full Version : Feel so ill, please help :(

20-01-11, 20:45
Apologies first, this may turn out to be a long post...

Ok. I have had depression/anxiety/panic for YEARS - on and off meds many times. Since January last year I have been on Setraline 50mg (for panic and anxiety disorder, not really depression right now. Well, probably is depression as well now...). I have felt myself getting worse and worse over the last couple of months, this is the point I'm at now:

Getting exhausted because I'm not able to stay asleep, only managing about an hour or two then tossing and turning, getting up - never been like this before;

Anxiety worse than ever, finding it hard to leave the house but once I'm out it's hard to come back???

Keep getting 'spacey' out of the blue - as I got to the front of the queue in the petrol station the other day, walking around shops, walking outside, driving... like I have no breath to speak, no muscles to keep me up, feels like I'm not there and I forget for a minute why I am;

Vertigo, which started a couple of weeks ago when I was about to step on to a down escalator and caused a panic attack. Now I have to hold on to things to get up stairs and it also happens when I'm on the flat;

Headaches and nausea;

Crying out of nowhere;

Last week I had incredible pain in my back (kidney area) which I can still feel on and off - completely disappeared when I took diazepam (not for the pain, for a train journey - and a happy discovery!);

A general feeling of heaviness and weakness, just not well;

Pain in wrists/elbows/arms - was told last year I have tennis elbow in both arms and it's all referred pain, but I haven't been doing ANYTHING to aggravate it;

IBS playing me up a lot more;

Face/sinus pain - started years ago and has returned recently;

Crazy, right up and down blood sugar levels making me feel sick and giving me major shakes;

And a couple for the ladies :huh: sore breasts, cramps, mood swings, sciatica and upset stomach all probably hormone related - I had a hysterectomy last September but did keep my ovaries and pms is worse than it's ever been;

Right, IBS diagnosed over 10 years ago, hysterectomy 4 months ago, panic, anxiety and depression for YEARS... but right now I feel sooooo ill. I don't know how else to explain it. Just like there is something really wrong. Pain, upset, anxiety and panic and feeling like I can't go on, which gets much much worse at night. I don't know what to do. I'm seeing my doc next week, I guess I just wanted some input from people who know where I'm coming from?

Again, sorry for the long post! If you got this far, THANK YOU :yesyes:

20-01-11, 20:51
Oh, been getting lots of palpitations too. And am severe emetophobic since age 5. Great.


anx mum
20-01-11, 20:55
Apologies first, this may turn out to be a long post...

Ok. I have had depression/anxiety/panic for YEARS - on and off meds many times. Since January last year I have been on Setraline 50mg (for panic and anxiety disorder, not really depression right now. Well, probably is depression as well now...). I have felt myself getting worse and worse over the last couple of months, this is the point I'm at now:

Getting exhausted because I'm not able to stay asleep, only managing about an hour or two then tossing and turning, getting up - never been like this before;

Anxiety worse than ever, finding it hard to leave the house but once I'm out it's hard to come back???

Keep getting 'spacey' out of the blue - as I got to the front of the queue in the petrol station the other day, walking around shops, walking outside, driving... like I have no breath to speak, no muscles to keep me up, feels like I'm not there and I forget for a minute why I am;

Vertigo, which started a couple of weeks ago when I was about to step on to a down escalator and caused a panic attack. Now I have to hold on to things to get up stairs and it also happens when I'm on the flat;

Headaches and nausea;

Crying out of nowhere;

Last week I had incredible pain in my back (kidney area) which I can still feel on and off - completely disappeared when I took diazepam (not for the pain, for a train journey - and a happy discovery!);

A general feeling of heaviness and weakness, just not well;

Pain in wrists/elbows/arms - was told last year I have tennis elbow in both arms and it's all referred pain, but I haven't been doing ANYTHING to aggravate it;

IBS playing me up a lot more;

Face/sinus pain - started years ago and has returned recently;

Crazy, right up and down blood sugar levels making me feel sick and giving me major shakes;

And a couple for the ladies :huh: sore breasts, cramps, mood swings, sciatica and upset stomach all probably hormone related - I had a hysterectomy last September but did keep my ovaries and pms is worse than it's ever been;

Right, IBS diagnosed over 10 years ago, hysterectomy 4 months ago, panic, anxiety and depression for YEARS... but right now I feel sooooo ill. I don't know how else to explain it. Just like there is something really wrong. Pain, upset, anxiety and panic and feeling like I can't go on, which gets much much worse at night. I don't know what to do. I'm seeing my doc next week, I guess I just wanted some input from people who know where I'm coming from?

Again, sorry for the long post! If you got this far, THANK YOU :yesyes:

Hun i can really relate to how u feel i too im feeling the same it really is a living hell at the moment. Pm if u ever want to chat

20-01-11, 21:09
Thank you so much, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad too xx

20-01-11, 21:21
AND tinnitis, and the blood rushing sound and pounding in my head/ears.

20-01-11, 21:23

God what a nightmare for you. :hugs:

I know very little about these things so you will have to excuse me but would you still go through the menopause after a hysterectomy?

I'm just wondering because there are a heck of a lot of symptoms there that sound hormone related, even down to the aches and pains.

We have spoken on here before and I seem to remember that you are in your thirties but is there any possibility this could be early menopause?

20-01-11, 22:55
Hi ladybird, thanks for your reply. I keep thinking that hormones are playing a big part! I kept my ovaries but it's quite normal for them to go in to 'shock' after surgery, or at the very least for it to take a while for them to settle down. I think you can go into menopause earlier, even though the ovaries remain - but there is a possibility that I was heading for an early one anyway :weep:

I am 37, my mum started having trouble around this age...

I have just got a new doctor, I will write everything down to take with me next week.

Thank you x

macc noodle
21-01-11, 00:40

Could well be hormonal - sounds like poss. menopause. I have been peri-menopausal for last 12 months and, quite frankly, have experienced all you describe.

Have had major resurgence of HA, panic attacks etc in this time having been free of them (mostly) or at least under good control for the past 15 years - so to feel so out of control again is a real bummer.

Good luck with your appointment.


22-01-11, 21:27
Thank you macc, it does all seem to be pointing towards hormones :wacko:

I hope it doesn't go on too much longer for you. Are you taking anything, or has the doc recommended anything that could help?
