View Full Version : shaking and shivering - flu?

21-01-11, 02:57
Hi all,

I am an old member and a success story in that my anxiety has been very much under control for the last few years... I have had a variety of health problems diagnosed and am managing them well.

However two days ago I started shivering and shaking. No other symptoms at all.... reminiscent of panic but with no signs of anxiety. I rested for 24 hours and felt much better but it started again during this evening. I did all my relaxation stuff, took paracetamol and went to bed and straight to sleep but woke about an hour ago shaking and shivering so much it really freaked me out. So I phoned the emergency doc who says it sounds like flu.

I find it hard to believe with no other cold-like symptoms and sitting here on my own I have become quite anxious and all my fears that something else might be wrong with me have flooded me.

Can anyone reassure me that this is just flu and nothing more sinister?



21-01-11, 04:32
check your temperature, you might have a fever and the paracetamol should help.
think of it like when you step out of a warn shower into the cold air , thats kinda what happens when you have a fever and you start to shiver.
how long after you took the paracetamol did you start to shiver again? as the paracetamol only really works for 3 or 4 hours.
try and go to your own doctor in the morning.
also anxiety can cause you to shiver too .

21-01-11, 06:38
Thanks mishel. I don't have a thermometer! Don't feel like I have a temperature though... paracetamol does seem to help a bit but only for about two hours - managed to doze off after taking it. It's so hard living alone - I know I am anxious now but I have had many many panic attacks and I know it's not the same... just making contact with people stops me becoming too anxious - now it's getting near morning I will probably be fine...
Thanks again!

21-01-11, 09:14
Do you have any other symptoms like cloudy urine or pain in kidney area or cough sore throat???

I know a couple of people who had bad shivering and it was a kidney infection but they didn't have a temperature.

Also are you cold shivering in that no matter how many blankets you put on you still feel very cold or is the shivering just a bodily sensation but you don't feel cold???? If you feel cold with it then almost certainly you have a temperature.

21-01-11, 09:42
yes mostly i have felt cold too...I wondered about kidney but no cloudy urine and no pain or pressure - will have to watch for that. Very dehydrated. And very fed up! thanks for replying Countrygirl.... once you have suffered from anxiety (I also have ME they say) it is so hard to know what to worry about and when to ask for help!

Right now I'm a little better.... but I was yesterday too for a bit!

21-01-11, 10:20
While you are feeling better go out and buy a thermometer so that if you get the shivers again you will at least be able to take your temp - sometimes your temp does not go up until after your shivering has stopped so take it during and then afterwards.

I personally would go and tell my Dr if this kept happening - me being me I would also be asking for every test under the sun!:blush::blush::blush:

21-01-11, 17:15
I personally love my thermometer because there have been times where i have felt very hot or ill and 99% taking my temperature i get a normal reading so i know its just my anxiety playing up.
one thing i have noticed is when ever i have a fever my back always feels warm.
the fact the paracetamol is helping does point to maybe a mild temp.
you could always ring a nurse, like VHI have a 24 hour nurse line and they are very nice and give good advice.
I a on my own too , i know the feeling, its sucks because if someone was with you it would reduce a lot of the anxiety x

21-01-11, 18:27
Hi Fee,

Sorry I can’t really help – don’t know a lot about medical stuff – but I just wanted to say ‘Hi’. It’s good to hear that the anxiety, and other problems, are now under control.

I disappeared from here too for a few years, but a few months ago I found myself returning. Very few old familiar names still here, so that must mean that lots of people are doing better now :)

Hope you're soon feeling better :flowers:

22-01-11, 01:51
Hi Nigel

Sorry to hear you're back on here too! But nice to see a familiar name...

I'm having a nightmare with this one.... been told by two doctors its flu but I know it isn't. Got a thermometer and my temp is low 35.3.

It was in the background all day and I slept on and off (not at all anxious-like!) and by the evening it seemed fine. Went to bed, went to sleep quite happy and less than an hour later it started again.

I phoned the doc and they said it sounded like a hypo and to eat something sweet which I have and I do feel a little better. I'm not diabetic and he kept saying it's nothing serious, no clues as to what it is though - just blood sugar.

Not an easy thing for someone with a history of anxiety to deal with but I haven't really panicked, no palps or anything. I feel more annoyed than anything - have recently felt I am really getting myself together and even managed to have my endoscopy done without too much trauma last week.

But I have hypothyroidism and a hiatal hernia and a benign kidney tumour, all things that affect my health generally. Had made up my mind to deal properly with everything and NOT put everything down to anxiety but I'm beginning to wonder if this is some kind of subconscious anxiety emerging...

Life's a bit of a struggle, I always seem to get blind-sided one way or another!

I hope you are well Nigel....


22-01-11, 23:05
Hi Fee,

I’m sorry to hear about those heath issues. It could be partly something to do with those, with a touch of anxiety thrown in just to fool you. But as I said, I’m not good with the medical stuff. Maybe somebody else will contribute with an idea. And if it still persists, perhaps ask your doctor once more, just to be on the safe side.

“Sorry to hear you're back on here too! But nice to see a familiar name...”

Thanks. It’s funny but I never really joined here for panic/anxiety reasons, although I am a bit of a worrier. I sort of followed a friend here – Karen. I think you knew her well back then too. In a way it was Karen who brought me back here again a few months ago. Dunno whether you kept up to date off of the forum? There’s a post in the announcements section if you haven’t :sad:

I still think about some of the people I used to write to before, and wonder how they’re now getting on now. I remember you wrote a lot about your daughter-in-law, Sarah, I think?? I hope she’s still doing well.

Take care :)

22-01-11, 23:30
Hey Fee - just wanted to say Hi and :welcome: back!

Lovely to see you here again xxxx

23-01-11, 05:17
Hi Fee,
I've just been up all night really poorly. It started with feeling freezing cold, no matter how many clothes I wore. I was dressed for the arctic, sitting over the radiator but I couldn't get warm. Then the sickness started and I've been throwing up all night. Once that was out of the way though, started to feel warm again. I've just managed a glass of water and hope I can keep that down. I'll wait and see if it develops into anything flu like and let you know if it leads to anything. Luckily, I don't have HA so I'm not worried, just totally fed up because I feel so awful.
Take care of yourself, I hope you feel better soon x