View Full Version : I think I've broken my foot, on my own and close to panicking. :( :(

21-01-11, 10:54
I took the bus to Ullapool to see my dad, he lives somewhere you need to get a boat too. My bus got in at half 9, but he can't meet me until half 11. So I thought great I'll have a nice morning to myself in Ullapool, get a coffee, read. It'll be relaxing. But oh no my bad luck had to strike. The first 3 cafes I found after ages of walking were shut on the very day I decide to come. And it is raining at this point. So I walk away to find another and bam I go over incredibly badly on my ankle and twist it. Really really bad pain, I manage to hobble and eventually find a cafe. And I'm sitting here alone waiting for my dad and my whole foot is so so sore when I move it around it hurts, when I stitch my toes out its agony, and when I touch my foot it's so tender. Is this just a sprain? Or a break? I don't even know if there's a hospital here.

And now my head has gone down the line of if it is broken I won't be able to move my leg and what happens if it causes a clot. Close to breaking down here, so scared :(

21-01-11, 11:34
Alice, sorry to hear of your mishap.

There is no way really to tell if that is a sprain or a break unless it is x-rayed.

In the meantime perhaps the café people can get you something cold to put on it and you can keep your foot raised, that will help a bit to reduce swelling.

As for blood clots, you are letting your mind run away with you hun, even if you have broken something it doesn't necessarily mean you would be put in plaster. Anyway, loads of people have leg breaks and have no problems while they are in plaster apart from itching!

Try and keep calm. :flowers:

21-01-11, 11:55
As previous poster says its impossible for anyone even a Dr to tell ify ou have broken it without an x ray- if you really really can't walk at all without absolute agony then no matter where you are ask someone to call an ambulance which will get you to the nearest hospital. Can you contact your Dad at all and ask his advice. good advice about asking for some ice. There may be a local Dr that the cafe owners could ring for you.

Try hard not to panic - as said already even if you had broken your ankle it is a very common break and getting a blood clot here is extremely rare - blood clots from breaks tend to be from hips and thighs not anywhere else because of the immobility of hip and thigh breaks.