View Full Version : Severe Panic Attacks, Agoraphobia And Now The Dentist! HELP!

21-01-11, 16:06
Hello people,

I've not been on here for a while but I'm back! :blush:

I've been walking my dog close to where I live for ages with no problems. I do get a bit wobbly sometimes and I get anxious chatting to other dog walkers but nothing too bad. But the other day I was in the park and I had the most severe panic attack I think I've ever had and it was awful. My heart raced, I couldn't breathe, my legs went to jelly, I felt as if everything was spinning and worst of all I thought I was going to pass out and let go of the dogs lead! I made it home somehow but since then I have really struggled to leave the house. I have forced myself to go out despite being in tears due to the severe anxiety and on three occasions I took 1mg of valium just to take the edge off the attacks. I have tried walking my dog on different routes which has helped a bit, but when I have returned to the park I have suffered full on panic attacks.

To top it all off I found out today that I have an appointment to see my Dentist on Monday and my anxiety has hit the roof! I'm having trouble just going out let alone getting into a Dentist's chair! Anyway, I phoned my Dr this afternoon to ask if I could have a small supply of valium to get me through the weekend and to the appointment on Monday. My Dr was away and I spoke to another Dr who basically told me I shouldn't be taking valium at all and that I shouldn't have used any last week. She has prescribed 10mg for my Dental appointment and said after that I will NOT be given any more.

I am so upset. I am really struggling. I am not housebound but I do have severe panic attacks when I go out. I was really proud of myself for managing to go back to the park ON MY OWN, for facing my fears and for not giving in to this thing, and I thought using only 3mg of valium all week considering how I was feeling was pretty good! I don't normally use valium, I only use it for emergencies and last week I felt was an emergency!

I don't know how I will get through the weekend knowing I have a Dentist appointment on Monday, and now I'm scared to take any valium because I know I can't get any more. I'm a nervous wreck, my legs have turned to jelly, I can't eat, and I doubt I will get any sleep now until Monday night. :unsure:

21-01-11, 17:36
hi you will be okay and the fact you feel better on valium proves there is nothing to worry about,because if you had a physical illness the valium would be no good!Also you dont want to have to rely on valium only for emergencys.i have dentist in feb.and to be honest i am anxious,but i tell myself there are worse things i could be going through in this life. and that i will be fine good luck Holly

21-01-11, 20:31
Thanks for your reply. I agree that it would be lovely to not need valium for emergencies, but I'm really struggling and I believe it's the norm for nervous dental patients anyway! I agree that there are much worse things to happen in life, but that doesn't stop the panic attacks!

21-01-11, 22:17
I'm off to the dentist on Monday too!!!!! I get very anxious about anything medical (to put it mildy) but I am trying out some of my cbt therapy i.e is this worry helpful? - well, we all know the answer to that! It's in the back of my mind (the worry that is) but I am determined not to let it ruin the weekend for me. I have decided not to get myself into a state until Monday morning - well, that's the plan anyway!!! My monday appt is for a check up but I already have two more appointments for a crown replacement - yuk, hate it! Good luck - I'll be thinking about you. x

22-01-11, 05:37
Oh my goodness, I'll be thinking about you too now! I'm also going for a check up on Monday but I have a strange zapping sensation in one of my teeth so I'm expecting to be told that I need work doing. Strangely, I've been pretty calm today but every now and then I 'remember' and then I get in a state. I don't know how I'm going to get through the appointment without making a fool of myself! I keep telling myself that whatever happens, it will all be over on Monday night so I'm thinking of buying some films to watch so I've got something to look forward to. Let me know how you're doing over the weekend - we can support each other. :)

23-01-11, 18:23
How are you doing today? I've not been too bad but I can feel the anxiety beginning to build now!!!! I've given up worrying about whether I make a fool of myself or not - I have decided that 'this is me' - they'll have to deal with it!!!! It's not my 'fault' that I am the way I am!!! It's quite liberating actually ... my cbt therapist said that when I feel guilty for feeling/behaving the way I do it actually adds to the anxiety, so I've taken that on board. Hope it goes OK for you tomorrow .... wouldn't it be great to be a non-worrier! Oh well! x

23-01-11, 18:32
Hello. Well... I took 2mg of valium on Saturday morning as I was really panicky and couldn't imagine how I was going to get through the weekend! My Dad came round and walked the dog with me (I was a bit jelly legged) which helped to take my mind off things, and then I managed to eat a nice big dinner despite the nausea! I watched a film last night and had a couple of glasses of wine which took the edge off things and gave me a good nights sleep! Today Dad came round and walked the dog with me again (still got jelly legs) which again helped to break up the day a bit but the anxiety is starting to rise now!

I have decided that I'm keeping the appointment whatever happens even if I only manage to have an Xray as just getting there is an achievement for me! I just hope I can sleep tonight as being tired makes everything so much worse I find. I agree with what your counsellor said, that trying to hide the way you feel only adds more pressure on us. I still get very embarassed about my agoraphobia and feel ashamed of myself.

I'm glad to hear that you're managing to keep things in perspective, and if I don't speak to you on here again before tomorrow, GOOD LUCK! :flowers:

24-01-11, 02:33
2.30am and I can't sleep. Really stressed out now. :weep:

24-01-11, 03:05

I have never suffered from your dentist fears (thanks Mr. Patel for being a great dentist when I was a kid! :D) but it seems to me like your recent episode while walking the dog has sparked a spiral in which you seem out of control.

With this, I can totally empathise since all my anxieties seem to be brought on by minute things and go from there! the fact is that, you will probably go to the dentist, you will probably hear sounds that will set your teeth on edge (literally, and metaphorically) and you will probably want to be anywhere but there. But after it all you will still be fine, your life will be no different, and you will probably have a beautiful, gleaming smile to show for all your troubles and efforts.

Try to relax as best you can and; if you can't, take comfort in the fact that you can pop a valium and at least feel vaguely OK. But remember that we're always here to appreciate you're pretty teeth once you're done.

And if you still can't shake the fear, then, you can come back on here, bear a gleaming white, sensational, incredibly threatening snarl and let us know that we were wrong!

24-01-11, 15:34
Hello all. Well... "I DID IT"! :yahoo:
I was up all night and had to take 6mg of valium, but... despite being jelly legged and in a right state this morning I somehow found the strength to just get in there and do what I had to do. The Dentist did an Xray and everything was fine, then he had a good poke around and everything was fine... and to my amazement I didn't need any fillings or anything! My teeth were a bit stained from using Corsodyl mouthwash so he gave my teeth a good scale and polish and I'm not kidding when I say I'm shocked at how white they have come up. I thought I'd need an expensive treatment to get my teeth to look good but I can honestly say they look great. I am so proud of myself for somehow finding the courage to fight my fears and it was so worth it for the fabulous feeling I have now! :yesyes:

Mercer88 - Thank you for your kind words. You were so right that I was having a 'blip' due to the PA when I walked the dog and losing all my confidence. I must be a lot stronger than I think, eh?!! :shades:

Jillyb - How did it go for you? I have been thinking about you and wondering how you got on? :)

Thank you to everyone for your much needed support and understanding. :flowers:

24-01-11, 16:15
Well done!!!!!! You did soooooo well to get there and you are right to feel really proud of yourself! I went too, listened to my Deep Relaxation tape in the waiting room, but unlike you I have work to do! Well, I knew I needed a crown replacing, but I have a couple of fillings too so now I have three more appointments - yuk. I have always found it really stressful (despite the dentist being my brother-in-law) and even more so now that they check for the big C. Anyway, it's over for today! Hold on to your fabulous feeling and remember, that's one step forwards which is much better than backwards!!! x

25-01-11, 05:38
Well done for going as well jillyb. :yesyes:

It's a shame you need to have work done but it's better to have it done now before it gets worse. I really must FORCE myself to go every six months so any problems can be caught early. I wasn't aware of them checking for the big C though. My Dentist must have done it secretly as he certainly didn't mention anything to me about it!

Anyway, well done for going and do tell us when your next appointment is so we can all support you.

Sucess all round I'd say. :yahoo: