View Full Version : ladies please!!!! help

21-01-11, 18:32
I have had a light brown discharge in between my period, like I am going to come on but then it stops. I have never had this before ever!! My smear was last year and was normal, I am really worried can anyone reasure me x

21-01-11, 19:39
Hello. It's called 'spotting' and it can be quite normal for some people. Have you changed your contraception or had sex recently because sometimes those can cause spotting? PM me if you want to discuss this in more detail xxx

21-01-11, 19:47
Hello thanks for your reply, ilast time I had sex was on sunday, and I am not taking the pill or anything (I am with a long term partner) we do use condoms though. Could cancer have developed since my normal smear just under a year ago?

21-01-11, 19:58
i get this also i think its normal. dont worry just hormone related cud be old blood aswel. and its highly unlikely u have cancer, espec since ure last smear last year was clear

21-01-11, 20:05
Well sex can cause a bit of spotting and sometimes contraceptives that contain hormones can cause spotting too but obviously that last one won't apply to you. Perhaps it was a slightly early light period and you won't bleed again until your next period is due as that can sometimes happen. Have you been dieting or excercising a lot or have you been under a lot of stress lately? Any of those things can make your periods go a bit out of sync. If you are really worried I would phone your Dr and tell them what has happened and they can ask the right questions and give you advice. I wouldn't automatically think you have cancer but you may have picked up a slight infection, or like I said it could just be your hormones. If you speak to a Dr they can reassure you and do tests if they think it's necessary. Try not to worry, I'm sure it's nothing. Just one last thought - are you certain you couldn't have fallen pregnant as sometimes people get spotting in the early stages of pregnancy? And don't go getting all worried about that because spotting can be caused by any number of things!

21-01-11, 22:29
Brown blood indicates old blood. My doctor once told me that sometimes when you have your period, your body doesn't expel all of the blood. That's why you can have spotting in between periods and usually when your next period starts, it starts out with a brownish discharge. What you're experiencing is normal. It could simply be related to hormones shifting/changing, which can happen at any time, with or without contraceptives. But I definitely would not be worried about cancer.

22-01-11, 12:03
Thanks for all your replies, I have started a period today so it must have just been that!! My last one was on the 30 dec, that makes it 24 days ago, is this ok?? I normally have a 28 -30 day cycle

22-01-11, 14:42
Bex that can happen when we stress out, stress messes up our periods. Stress and Christmas are normal lol, even if we over do the stress at Christmas because we are stressed or anxious all year. So double our stress over Christmas and our body gets messed around and we end up missing, skipping or having an early period. I am sure its nothing to worry about but if your doctor is a good doctor like mine be sure to have a chat with them and get some reassurance. Hugs xxx A

23-01-11, 20:07
Oh it was just your period coming a bit early. That can happen for all sorts of reasons such as stress, exercise, dieting etc. Please don't worry about it, it's nothing. :)