View Full Version : is hoarding a symptom of ocd

21-01-11, 18:59
this is something i have always tended to do like with good books, videos etc and was wondering if it was related to ocd

21-01-11, 19:11
hey Wane, I'd say it depends on the feelings you get associated with throwing those things away. It's a natural thing to want to keep things that are important to us or bring us enjoyment like a good book. I think it's getting into the realm of OCD if you start getting distressed at the thought of thowing something away that is rationally not that important to you.
So to sum up, if you are a hoarder it doesn't necessarily mean you have OCD lots of people hoard, but certainly hoarding can be a symptom of OCD
Hope that makes sense

21-01-11, 19:13
yes i think so thanks vicky:)