View Full Version : went for a run, tried out college course

21-01-11, 19:17
the other day i went a run. I hate the starting off thing especially running through the estate but can enjoy it when im out in the countryside. Also i tried out for a college course at middlesbrough college but found i can do it closer to home. These are things i could never have seen myself doing months ago; back then i would have to have been forced to do them, like how it is going to school.

eternally optimistic
21-01-11, 19:34

Good on you.

Running is something that is always good for you to do.... especially if you get into the countryside.

Good luck also with the course, if you decide to do.

Sounds like a successful day to me.

Well done

21-01-11, 20:36
Nice one, Wane :)