View Full Version : Need help brain tumor fear i casnt take this anymore

21-01-11, 19:48
For about six months now i have dealt with persistent anxiety, i need help sometimes for weeks on end it is non existent but then one slight thing can cause a downward spiral into a terrible relapse.

My symptoms:
about six months ago i began to suffer from constant daily headaches, these have been gone for the past three months by the way
And as i said previously i suffer relapses this one in particular is to do with my vision and that i squite a aloor of floaters in my sight. is this even related??????? please help!!!!!!
I cant take this horrific feeling of anxiety any more and now see the anxiety as a potential symptom of a tumour, which i know in very rare cases it can be. Which as you can imagine creates a cycle of decline.

Please i beg you is there anyone out there who can put my mind at rest and giuide me on the right path back to sanity and relative normality.

22-01-11, 02:45

I can't help you but i can try to reassure you!

I am a regular anxiety sufferer and therefore have had many health worries that create a feeling of panic in me. Over the years I have had numerous heart complaints (not really!), several bouts of MS (not really!), four or five brain tumour, a few cancers have entered and miraculously left my body.....and so on.....
What a bummer that anxiety....not only makes us feel panicky, tired and isolated but also presents itself a multitude of illness and conditions.

I have recently started to notice recurring floaters in my vision, my eyes are itchy and i am experiecning blurred vision, I have spells of dizziness and I have headaches at the front of my head etc.. etc...
Is what I am experiencing a brain tumour?? Yes, in my imagination it is.....very much so and although I know that I am currently experincing a bout of anxiety too.
This post isnt going to convince you that you dont have a tumour, when you have health anxiety it sometimes takes time for the symptoms to ease before you convince yourself that you are fine. Just remember though that all these symptoms are anxiety symptoms too!!

:) :) :) :)

22-01-11, 06:57
Hey there, I know how awful this is, and please know that it will pass and you will feel better!

I assume you have discussed this with your doctor? If not it might pay to so they can give you some reassurance. The symptoms and your frustration are text book anxiety, and I am sure you are fine.

Don't forget that the awful thoughts you have are also symptoms of anxiety, just like the physical sensations you get.

If you want to go the extra mile for some reassurance, I would ask do you by any chance wear glasses? A weird question I know. If you do, then the chance of you having an undiagnosed brain tumour is next to nil. This is because the majority of brain tumours can be picked up while having eye tests. When the optometrist looks in your eyes they can see right in and note any issues with pressure caused by tumours.

If you don't wear glasses, maybe you can go for an eye test to put your mind at ease. The next extreme step would be to get an MRI, I got one recently because of issues with my hearing, and the added bonus for me is that I know my brain is fine with nothing nasty going on.

No matter what you choose to do, know that you will get through this, and there is support out there.

I wish you the best