View Full Version : :( advice plz

21-01-11, 19:49
was at the doctors today complaining of sensation in left breast. she done examination and said she felt something have to come back in a month to have it checked again. problem is im scared right now and cant stop checking my boobs and finding lumps i do it every few mins and im starting to panic. wud the doc have refered me straight away if thought it was serious? im in a state AGAIN

21-01-11, 20:02

They would not leave you a month If it was anything serious .

Please stop checking yourself (something i,m guilty of ) the more you check the more you will "think" you have found something else . Easier said than done i know .
At one time i used to put off haveing a shower all day incase i felt a lump or a bump :weep:
This HA is terrible , i,m sat hear worrying aswell about my back and feeling food going down when i eat . Now my throats gone tight and i,ve got a lump in my throat feeling again . Another hour and its a valuim and some beer , i was normal 3 1/2 months ago :doh:

Try not to worry and trust the doc :yesyes:

21-01-11, 20:24
haha ure gas :D just like me! ive told myself to stop checking and so far its been 20 mins and im like ahhhhh gotta check! and now of course im imagining i have pain there which i didnt have yesterday because i thought it was my heart or lungs. i was fine coming out of the docs then as the evening started coming in i was going over it all in me head what if and but this and that i can feel this and that and she missed it eeeeeek :lac: i was somewhat normal before i had my baby then it just spiralled outta control! i too gunna take my xanax and try to chill

21-01-11, 20:41
Its strange , as when i,m pissed i feel fine :yesyes: , but you can,t do that 24/7 :blush:

My mum suffered with HA at about my age , some 20 years ago and got over it on meds after about 6 months . Part of my problem is i hate hospitals (doesn,t everyone) so i suffer and worry instead untill i,m desparate and need to go . Had to go to the breast clinic (might have said this already) and i was the only bloke there , i even saw an old school pal with his wife and his jaw dropped when i went in and my wife was sat there waiting for me . Two weeks of total panic , beer and valium and they found nothing .

On monday i,m going to get off this couch and get my backside into gear if it kills me , i dwell on things to much and it is a vicous circle i need to FORCE myself to break . I need to only come on here for one hour a day as i,m sure as helpfull as this site is , it makes me dwell on my symtyms .

All my mates are in Town haveing a beer , and i was to miserable to go !:scared15:

Take care , you will be fine :hugs:

21-01-11, 20:49
Just thought back , when i was proding my lymph node it went really sore and i started to get pains under my arm and chest :scared15: but it was self inflicted !

Enjoy your evening

21-01-11, 21:03
i think she is looking for some lypho infection or inflemation so do not worry ... all what you are thinking inside your brain is not there as they will not wait one month

take deep breath and go on
i am sure u will not even go back to here as everything will go away

21-01-11, 21:07
yeah same here wen im out enjoying myself i tend not too notice as much, but like u said cant be drinking every night lol altho wud like that but it cant be good can it :D and wen i probe myself abit too much it causes pain aswel and sometimes a bruise even! from me gettin abit carried away grrrr :doh: which then in return im like oh no leukamia becuz im bruising easily! what a mess lol. im much calmer now after taking a xanax hope i wake up alright and not too anxious.

21-01-11, 21:10
thanks aabualia :) im sure they wouldnt wait a month either if it was something sinister gotta believe that tho grrrr

21-01-11, 21:14
welcome, but in all case i do not like the way you face it ...
you just take xenax and wait the results ... i do not thing this is good way to get over that
you should be stronger and you should be able to control what is playing in your brain
i know exactly what is going on and how you check yourself 1000000 times checking again and again but you should stop and stop no more check you are not a doctor and your brain wants you to check because this is easier for it to stay connected to that case and play a very bad songs inside you until you feel scary
disconnect it and go on ....

21-01-11, 21:18
i see what u mean but everybody needs a bit of help we aint superhuman we need a little help along the rough road sometimes. i defo do check too much and now im even doing it! its ridiculous and now i started to squeeze my nipple to see if anything came out!!!! :ohmy: another thing which i no doubt will be obsessed with doing

21-01-11, 21:26
Ok, do not check for 24 hours ... and tell ur self no checking for 24 hours .... if you keep doing that u will get results
and then you will get scared more ... u r searching for what ?
u want to force ur body to tell you i am sick ? you want to be sick ?

this is ur brain wants that ... because brain has some ideas and looking to prove it by forcing you to check and look and compare left with right ....
i will tell something ... once you are sick or have something wrong you will get different feeling and u will be sure and docotor will be sure ... so you are not sick and maybe ur doctor does not know about ur worries thats why she said come back after month

just forget that and fight ur mind
no more check no more check no more check
u did and u will not get anthting else have a nice night and smile then forgive me for my english language

21-01-11, 21:28
I find a valium takes my mind off things , only 2mg and a few beers , i relise i can,t do this forever and my valium is only short term , not sure about the cit 20 mg i,ve just been put on , but better 3-4 hours peace of mind for me than not takeing the valium and beer and sat here like a cabbage with a face like a smacked one .

Its also proved to me after scoffing some of the kids chocolate orange and a bag of crisps while on hear i,ve not even noticed my swallowing issue , perhaps it is all down to anxiety.

21-01-11, 21:35
i will set myself the challenge and NOT check for 24 hours starting from now (just checked a min ago eeek) it will be difficult. im checking for lumps as ever and unusual growths.... never did before until today becuz the doc set me off! of course i dont wanna be sick... i fear been terminally ill so i have to check. and ure english is fine :yesyes:

and mel ure right its better to have few hours peace of mind than sitting there all worked up and agitated.... it cant be good for the aul blood pressure :D

21-01-11, 21:40
i will set myself the challenge and NOT check for 24 hours starting from now .... :D

I,ll be keeping my eye on your posts (jokeing):D

Relax your fine :yesyes:

21-01-11, 22:01
so far soooooo goooooooood :roflmao: now gotta keep this up for the rest of the nite

21-01-11, 22:28
Ten minutes left then you have gone a full hour :yesyes:.......have you cheated :D

21-01-11, 22:31
ok is getting somebody else to check cheating?? :whistles: if not well then go me hahaha

21-01-11, 22:38
In fairness you did say you wouldn,t check , so i,ll let you off :roflmao:

As long as you are feeling more positive thats all that matters .

You,ll be fine my friend :)

22-01-11, 20:51
Subcutaneous emphysema found that on wikipedia it describes it as the sensation as rice krispies as i do have too. mite be it. phew.