View Full Version : It eases.....Then hits hard, driving me mad...Please help.

21-01-11, 20:17
I must confess I am a bit embarrased about putting this thread up.....

As a child I was nervy, hated school as always felt dizzy and was scared I was going to faint. I am an only child and raised by parents that wrapped me up in cotton wool so now its time to face real life its very scary. I am 36, have 2 daughters coming upto there teen years, have a fiancee, house, cars etc.....but I am not working and have not worked for 7 years due to this anxiety. It eased off the other week and now it has come back double hard. I dont like driving far from home, I cant go into supermarkets, I feel dizzy when I talk to people, I feel scared when I am at home as negative thoughts swamp my mind. I have been under the mental health act with anxiety for 10 years now. I am still on the same medication.....Diazepam 20mg per day, Citalopram 30mg per day, Clonazepam 0.5mg per day and now the shrink has given me Amitriptiline to take at night. I have had far higher dosage's of my meds but they reduced me a couple of years ago. I used to be able to go into supermarkets about 7 months ago and could drive around 50 miles from home.....Now I feel I am back to square one and feel so so sad. I really am stuck.....What can I do?

Oh forgot to say..... 7 months ago my fantastic German Shepherd who I have had since she was 8 weeks old was put to sleep at the age of nearly 12 years of age and we moved house to a fairly small one on a busy road in a town I dont really know. This is when my anxiety went up, it does come down a bit now and again but mainly bad.

Any help/support would be great.

Paul :)

21-01-11, 20:32
are you getting any other kind of help other than medication?
if you could try therapy and CBT that could be good :-)

are you say you could do things but then they reduced your meds and now you can't?

honestly i think therapy and learning how to cope and manage the anxiety is the way to go :hugs:

21-01-11, 20:42
are you getting any other kind of help other than medication?
if you could try therapy and CBT that could be good :-)

are you say you could do things but then they reduced your meds and now you can't?

honestly i think therapy and learning how to cope and manage the anxiety is the way to go :hugs:

Thank you for the fast reply mishel :)

No therapy as I cant get to the sessions due to not being able to leave my house and now very scared of meeting anyone new. I was thinking about ordering something online like 'The Linden Method' wondering if that is any good?

ps..... I see your from Italy. My Dad's side of the family are from Southern Italy :)

21-01-11, 21:07
I hope Mishel doesn't mind me butting in..and I hope she doesn't mind if I point out that she is from Ireland , not Italy! (It's orange in the flag, not red :winks:)

As far as the Linden Method goes, well, it's not really discussed much on this forum for good reasons, one of which is that you have to pay for your "recovery"..it isn't free.

Here is a link to an online CBT course


Maybe give this one a go :)

PS. Have got the same family background as you!


21-01-11, 21:57
I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a rotten time ... I know it's really hard for you but cbt would help you so much. Would it be possible for someone to take you there? I am having cbt and my therapist is great ... apart from anything else he is so reassuring and non-judgmental. I know I am not going to suddenly be a non-worrier as I have had years of 'training' to be such an anxious person, but he has given me such insight into my condition and is showing me ways to look at things differently so that I can move forwards. I really hope you can get some help so that you can enjoy life again. x

22-01-11, 12:05
I hope Mishel doesn't mind me butting in..and I hope she doesn't mind if I point out that she is from Ireland , not Italy! (It's orange in the flag, not red :winks:)

As far as the Linden Method goes, well, it's not really discussed much on this forum for good reasons, one of which is that you have to pay for your "recovery"..it isn't free.

Here is a link to an online CBT course


Maybe give this one a go :)

PS. Have got the same family background as you!


Oh how :blush: ......I saw the way mishel had spelt her name then took a quick glance at the flag......I was wrong, of course I knew that though....lol!

Thank you so so much for the link :)

So we have the same background then......excellent! My Dad is dark, I have more of an olive colour and taken after my Mum's side of the family in height as I'm 6ft and 15st........Infact here is a latest picture of meeeee!!

http://i738.photobucket.com/albums/xx30/Zillaette2009/17880_235414963199_604108199_4236734_2002924_n4.jp g