View Full Version : Going mad waiting for test results..how do u cope?

21-01-11, 21:22
Hi, I went to my Dr yesterday for a check up and to get my pap smearr done..She just did some general blood tests to check everything..I don't feel unwell but I'm so scared something will come back on them that is bad. the blood results were meant to be back today but there is a hold up in the lab apparently so I may have to wait longer..the pap smear I know will take a week or so..which that in itself is worrying me. I want to know how do you all cope with waiting? My anxiety is through the roof right now, I'm shaking internally and feeling sick and my heart is racing...Thank you

21-01-11, 21:33
Hi Kitn, I went through this in April 2009.I hadnt had any full bloods done for 10 years before that so was scared something wouldnt be right.
It was a hard wait for 10 days but just kept doing things to distract myself like gardening, meditation cd.s ,talking to people etc.. and when I went for results I was so nervous and then the Doc calmly said.. perfect!.. physically very well !!.. It was a relief and im sure you will be ok too.Its natural to worry about these things.

21-01-11, 22:10
The way I look at it is to have the attitude that I cannot change the results and what will be will be.

There is no point getting totally stressed out and making yourself ill over something you cannot change so don't worry about it.

21-01-11, 22:21
No matter what anybody tells you, you're going to worry. Until you hear those magical words "everything is normal" and then you'll move on to worry about something else.

I'm a big fan of trying to look at things logically, so let's try this.....have you ever had any abnormal paps or blood work? If not, you don't have any symptoms and you can safely assume that everything is normal! This is only routine - they are not trying to find anything from any symptoms you have had. From the sounds of it, you seem like you are a healthy person (like me) who worries about the "what if's" (like me!!). Some day we will learn how to stop thinking about the "what if's" and learn to use the "so what's" a little more often!!

22-01-11, 13:55
Oh yes the pap smear waiting game, by the time the receptionist says the magic words over the phone "its normal" you have either googled or read everything that could possibly go wrong.

Its going to be normal and as someone very wise up there said "I can't change the results" hugs xxx