View Full Version : Poorly boy..mummy at work! :(

22-01-11, 04:05
As if we havent just had the worst christmas with our 4 year old been ill. He had flu symptoms for 10 days which stretched right over the festive period and he wasnt very well at all.

I'm on nights right now and my OH as just text me to say that little man is ill again. He was sick a little before I left for work but he appeared fine in himself so I put it down to the hot chocolate he had just drunk before bed. His daddy is now saying that he woke up coughing and burning up, all this as come out of the blue and I am now really concerned. I am neurotic as it is when it comes to my son been poorly so to be out of the house and at work is driving me crazy. I cant help thinking how strange for him to be ill again so soon after his last bout. He had his tonsil and adanoids removed in November so I thought we had waved goodbye to recurring infections and what not!!
I am now thinking that swine flu is rife again and I am starting to feel panicky. I am going to keep ringing home to make sure my OH is keepin a cloe check on him as i would do.

I feel sick with worry! :(

22-01-11, 23:47
Have you had a chance to see how he is now? Viruses have been rife the last few months. It is taking people a good while to feel better but they do get better and so will your son.
If you are worried Call NHS direct - Tel: 0845 4647 (24 hours) or NHS 24 (Scotland) Tel: 0845 4 24 24 24
They are great for advice

Hope he feels better soon