View Full Version : cant sleep......

22-01-11, 06:12
so i had a ultrasound, doc appt and blood work done today!the ultrasound tech said everything looked great baby is just weighing two weeks behind, which is weird cuz im measuring right! i do.feel a lot smaller then with my previous pregnancies. as i mentioned before my worst fear is hemmorragin! all my blood work was good even my iron went up he said my clotting.factor was a lil high but thats a good.thing meaning i have the ability to clot! but he is looking to make sure i dont have interuturine growth restriction, since baby is small which can be due to faulty placentas or tearing away! i got all god news today yet wry because he wants bloodwork, ultrasound and non stress tests till i deliver! they say baby is between 5'10 and 6'10 which isnt that small cuz i had a baby at 6'1,6'14 and 7'4! so yeah im just a wreck hes obviously concerned about something with allthis testing!:(