View Full Version : dry mouth

22-01-11, 10:22
Hey im new to these forum and hope i posted in the right place! im on citolopram for anxiety and tamazapam for sleeping disorder but longer before i started that i get like this wierd th9ing where when i drink coffee / tea i get a dry mouth / gungy throat same thing with coke it seems to get like a strange fungus on my toung when i drink coke or drinks like that.

Makes me feel kinda sick spoken to the doc and says that it might be anxiety just wanna see if other people experiance this?.Posting today because went out today had a few glasses of vodka and coke and i got a wierd coating of like coke colored funges on my toung.

Thanks in advance :) (never really done forum help before so sorry if i didnt / give to much info :blush:).

22-01-11, 15:48
yeah i know what you mean, it can be an anxiety symptom but i got it when i first started on citalopram as a side effect!

mr badger
22-01-11, 17:01
Yup. Citalopram gives me a claggy mouth but as I'm recovering from kidney stones it's handy that it makes me drink more.

Anything with caffeine or tannins in it contribute to this as well.

22-01-11, 17:44
Hi mate and welcome :)

Dry mouth is an ultra common side effect with anti-d's like Citalopram.

If you dont mind me saying mate.....You have anxiety and are now on anti-d's.....Keep off the coke as its full of caffiene which is bad for anxiety and any form of alcohloic drink as that makes anxiety worse when it wears off and also puts a slight strain on the liver.
