View Full Version : My Mum is fine but I am stressing.

22-01-11, 13:12
My Mum had/has a chest infection, the trainee doctor at our health centre said she was breathing too fast, duh, he was shouting at her, he spoke too fast and she couldn't understand him and she wears a hearing aid.

So he gave her some doxycycline and the stupid chemist didn't give us the correct instructions, but the doctor said she had to stay up. Well she was exhausted I sent her to bed. She was sick after one doxycycline why?

Well ah yes there it is google, no I was glad I checked, doxycycline MUST be taken with a lot of water and you have to stay up or it causes vomiting and nausea!!!

Oh great, so thats why she was sick, no more of that then. Lets see how she is tomorrow.
Friday great day, bouncy cheery, over did it I think, had a bad night.

Today all she does is sleep, weak as a kitten is eating and keeping food down, some diarrhoea but drinking plenty of fluids so she is not dehydrated.
How long is this exhaustion going to last, should I be doing something else for her. thinking of seeing a proper doctor, our own very good very understanding GP on Monday because I just have no clue where I am with this any more.

then to cap it all I lost my purse, where? I have no idea, any way, any feed back appreciated.
Going to check out the forum now see if I can give feed back to any one.

22-01-11, 14:27
If your mum has a chest infection, which is not being treated with antibiotics (I believe you stopped due to the nausea etc), and she is now drowsy, you should ring your local out of hours doctors.
If you explain that she can't take the other antibiotics they should give you a different one. I cartainly wouldn't wait till Monday as she is so weak......Sat and Sundays antibiotics will make a huge difference.
I have frequent chest infections, and if they are left without antibiotics they progress into pneumonia. ......I don't want to frighten you, just encourage you to go back and call the emergency on call Drs today.
I wish you all the best

22-01-11, 14:45
I agree with Midgey. Definitely get some different antibiotics that don't cause vomiting. I had a chest infection that developed into bronchitis - and it certainly wasn't that antibiotic that they gave me.

Bacterial infections aren't like viruses, they don't just go away on their own, hence antibiotics. Again, I don't want to frighten you, but I have seen a few people this winter where chest infections have got worse, become bronchitis or pneumonia, so best to be safe than sorry.
