View Full Version : Head tingling

22-01-11, 14:35

I suffer with health anxiety. I get this weird tingling feeling. it started off a few motnhs ago and would only last a few seconds. it was usually around my right temple. i went to doc a few times with it and she said it is nothing to worry about and is just stress. it has gotten worse and now will last about 20 mins and has spread all across my forehead. its just goes kind of tingling/numb like.

I have been suffering with panic attacks lately. is this a symptom of anxiety?? im scared its..yes youve guessed it...a brain tumour!!

22-01-11, 19:12
This sure is anxiety, i too was like this after having my second child. It started with panic attacks, i got so worked up n worried i got severe persistant headaches. In the temples, around the back of the head, across the forehead u name it and i had it. I no this is worrying and frustrating but u are suffering tension headaches, i kept going back and fourth 2 my docs i must of got on their nerves anyway they sent me 4 a brain scan and lumba puncture n it was fine. Once i was reassured my headaches died down im not sayin they'll vanish u might just be a migraine sufferer. Do u take any medication 4 ur panic attacks or speak 2 a councellor. Try stay positive i no its easier said than done

22-01-11, 20:32
Thank you natalie. It drives me mad. I know deep down its anxiety but every so often i need the reasurrance again. I have just started CBT, and i started a great book that was recommended to me for anxiety. I just wantt to beat this, im so sick of feeling so bloody anxious about my health. Im starting reiki this week too to relax me. Do you ever get a pressure feeling in your head?? its like a kind of tender feeling when i press on my forehead??? im not sure if it is anxiety or sinus or something serious x

22-01-11, 20:58
Yep, I have this as well. It's one of the main things I get when I feel anxious.

The tingling starts at the top of my head and slowly goes down my body, my face, neck, arms and fingers and lingers around my private areas !! Weird I know but true......It's really odd. Then it goes down my legs, making them feel like jelly.

It is anxiety, I know because when I don't feel anxious it doesn't happen.

Hope this helps

23-01-11, 11:35
Yes bally i also feel the pressure around my head sometimes feel like im going 2 faint, i no how u feel honestly im forever scanning my body thinkin there is something wrong somewhere when deep down i no there isnt and its anxiety but i cant control it, thats y ive been put on anti-depressants and being referred to a CPN. Ur not alone, PM if u ever wana tlk x