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22-01-11, 14:35
Hi, My name is Karen. I have always had generalized anxiety disorder, with some phobias. Depression, not so much, but I guess it is still a slight underlying issue. My husband, age 38 passed away in June 2009, leaving me with 4 school age kids. The first 3 months or so, I was numb. Now I am experiencing all this aches and pains with tremendous anxiety. Everytime I feel one of these aches, wether it is in my chest or my toe, I freak out. I go to the doctor atleast everyother week or so and of course, nothing medical is wrong with me. They have me on a traquilizer, and I have been on anti-depressants for years. I am just having a vey rough time. I found this site when I was searching for chest pain related to depression.

Thank you.

22-01-11, 14:38
Hi moreau6

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

eternally optimistic
22-01-11, 15:09
Hi Karen

Welcome to the site, it is a true friend.

Hope you find it useful, as so many people do.

I am sorry to hear your husband passed away, that must be very difficult for you.

I hope you manage to rest yourself and move forward.

Do you think you need some bereavement counselling?

I wish you all the best for this coming year.

Take care and try not to worry too much.

22-01-11, 15:31
Karen, welcome. Many of us here know what it is like to have chest pains linked to anxiety and depression.

I have experienced pains of this type before. In fact, this past summer they got so constant that I just knew something was wrong with my heart. After a round of tests that turned up nothing, the doctor put it down to my anxiety disorder - and the fact that I had recently taken to sleeping on my left side.

Anxiety and depression can both cause a wide range of aches and pains around the body, including those twinges in the area of the heart. If your doctor has checked and there are no indications of a heart problem or even excessive amounts of bad cholesterol in your blood to put extra strain on your heart, this probably is the result of your anxiety and depression.

As Jackie mentioned, perhaps some counseling would be helpful, owing to your loss and the adjustment to being a single parent would help with everything that is going on inside right now. Losing someone we love is hard enough under the best of circumstances, but it is even more difficult to move through the grief process when others depend on you and you already have complications with depression and anxiety.