View Full Version : help needed please :(

22-01-11, 16:31
hi everyone,
i've had to deal with a really tough week, with it being 3 years since my dad passed away of terminal cancer so it's been a really hard week and i've felt a bit down enough as it is.
but yesterday i discovered my beloved 10 month old cat has gone missing and i can't find him anywhere :( the rspca doesn't have him or anywhere else.
i'm scared he's been run over and no one's had the courtesy to take him to the rspca to scan his micro chip.
its already been a tough week and now i'm really scared i'm going to lose everyone i've loved, i just can't get my head around how someone can be here one minute and be gone the next and i'm really scared it'll happen to everyone else i know too.
i'm so panicked by whats happened please help :( xxx

22-01-11, 18:02
Hi Miniholly,

I’m sorry you’ve had a tough week. Anniversaries do tend to leave us doing lots of thinking.

I know it’s hard not to expect the worst – I would too – but try to keep an open mind about Cat until you hear something definite. No news could very well be good news.

Perhaps he’s off on some adventure. Cats are like that. I remember one of Mum’s disappearing a few years ago. Turned out she’d been exploring a neighbour’s greenhouse a few doors away and the owner didn’t spot her and closed the door.

I also remember a friend who’s cat disappeared for 2, maybe 3, days. She never did know where he’d been, but he appeared unphased by his adventure.

Hope Cat turns up soon :)

22-01-11, 19:18
Oh you poor thing. Nigel's words are soo true.
So:bighug1:and hope your cat is okayxxx

22-01-11, 21:38
thank you both :) i'm really worried he just isn't anywhere at all :( asked around the neighbourhood and no one's seen him don't know what to do i miss him so much xxx