View Full Version : stool colour

22-01-11, 16:43
has anyone with ibs suffered from pale coloured stools im a bit concerned has my stool colour can be pale and sometimes mustard colour i do not have runs but the pale colour worries me a bit it never seems the normal brown colour i know ibs can cause a variety of colours in the stool but is mustard yellow one of them please reply sorry for the grossness of this post x

22-01-11, 17:30
your stools can and will be many different colours. all depends on what you have eaten and drank. im sure nothing to worry aboutm i have had many different colours.

Hazel B
22-01-11, 19:18
It depends what you have eaten - a lot of carrots can cause the pale colour, and spinach makes it darker!

If you have no other symptoms, don't worry, if you get other symptoms and it carries on I would advise you to see your doctor. They are used to all sorts of questions and issues so would not be shocked or embarrassed.

22-01-11, 20:52
Mine are always light in colour. Unless I become constipated in which case they can become darker.

Again, I would agree that food can cause the stool colour to change.