View Full Version : I never want to see my boyfriend again

22-01-11, 18:36
This is going to sound really, really strange. First of all, I haven't fallen out with my boyfriend, I do love him and I'm not angry with him.

He went out last night to a party with a few people he used to take drugs with. I have a funny reaction to the word "drugs" or the concept of them. I have nothing against them per se and am of the group that does not consider them dangerous - or not more dangerous than alcohol anyway.

It's a long story but I made an association ages ago between the mere concept of drugs and being lonely. It's got to do with all my friends disappearing when I was a teenager and, although them taking drugs at the time is actually quite a tenuous link, the association has been made.

He told me he wouldn't take drugs (not that I have any right to tell him what to do - I'd hate it if he told ME what to do!) but hasn't come home yet because he says he is not fit to drive.

It actually doesn't matter whether he's taken drugs or not. Really doesn't matter. It's the fact that him just being around these friends has brought the idea of drugs into my mind and since he left yesterday evening I just immediately spiralled down into depression and loneliness - because of the drugs thing rather than being on my own, you understand! We do actually live with other people!

Now not only do I not want him to come home but I never want to see him again. I don't really understand why. I'm not angry at him. I just genuinely never want to see him again.

I'm really confused about this and it's quite upsetting. I know we're not exactly psyhotherapists here but can anybody shed a light? I sort of think that if I could just understand this I could tackle it!

22-01-11, 18:47
Hi. :)

You'll have to forgive me putting things in the simplest terms..I am definitely not into psychotherapy!

I read your other post but had to leave before I had a chance to answer yesterday.

I think this really boils down to the link you have made between the loss of your friends and the belief that this was down to drug taking. Whether you are against drugs or not isn't an issue because this is the thing that took your friends away and left you on your own.

Are you aiming to avoid going through that again by cutting the ties with your boyfriend now, thus avoiding any hurt that might be coming?

It's just a guess but the fact that you aren't angry at him just leads me to think it mght be because of this.

22-01-11, 18:54
Actually, yeah...this would also explain the exact way I'm feeling at the moment. I just described it on another thread as that very visceral pain you get the moment someone you love tells you they're leaving you, except continuously all day...I'm not into pshycotherapy either but I guess this would make sense!

Still not sure what I'm going to do about it!!!

Thanks for your insight :)