View Full Version : Recovery?

22-01-11, 19:39
Hi. I have had the worst year. It started November of 2009, when I first started to experience anxiety, and panic. I didn't know what it was and have never been so scared in my life. I lost 2 stone in about a month through not eating and not sleeping, and also lost my job. I was about 99% sure that I was going crazy and would be sectioned. When I say that now it sounds so silly, but that was genuinely my biggest fear. I was given anti-depressants, which I was taking for the whole of last year, and made my mum stay home from work with me a lot as I did not want to be alone.

But between March and August of last year I had no panic attack's and my anxiety was virtually non-existent. I have has several attacks since late August, the last being (unfortunately) on Christmas Day. But I have learned to control them very quickly, so that I am back to normal within an hour at the most. I very rarely even feel that nervous anymore, I guess once you have had anxiety that bad, nothing else can be seen as nerve-wracking in my eyes. I have stopped taking my Citalopram, with almost no side effects at all (I felt dizzy for a couple of day's, that's pretty much it), and have started to use Chamomile tea instead. I have also had two job interviews within the last two weeks.

I am not saying that this recovery has been easy, because I cannot stress how awful it really was in words, and there were times I thought I would never get better, but I feel so happy at the progress from where I was 14 months ago. I would also say to anyone suffering at the moment, that although it is so hard, and trust me I know, just try to keep your head up, because it can get better. :)

Frozen in fear
22-01-11, 19:55
Hi am starting to recover been on stertrline for 5 weeks been hard starting meds most days r still bad but i now have some good days its a long road

cathy s
04-03-11, 17:07
an encouraging post, thanks.

05-03-11, 16:25
Really good to hear you are recovering, and it is encouraging to hear about people like you who are brave enough to set themselves on the road to recovery !
I hope you continue upwards and that things get better and better for you!