View Full Version : jaw infection

22-01-11, 20:40
I wonder if anyone else has had the same problems?

I have got lots of ulcers in my mouth, at the bottom left hand side of my jaw. They have been there for about 4 days. I didn't really think too much of them but today I've had a really sore jaw and it's really swollen.

I probably wouldn't worry too much but I have a mitral valve prolapse (heart), and if I have any infections in my mouth it has potential to spread to my heart........So, I rang the oncall GP service and they prescribed antibiotics. They went through the normal questions, and she decided to give me penicillin.

The problem with that is that I can't remember the last time I had penicillin. I'm really scared that I will have an allergy. With my heart problem, it's quite common to be hypersensitive to drugs.....I've taken some things recently which made me end up in A&E as the side effects gave me rapid heart rate and palpitations.

I've just taken my first dose, but already I can feel tingling in my feet and hands...I'm sure this is anxiety. Has anyone else had this?


22-01-11, 21:17
I have an allergy to penicillin, as far as I know most children by the age of 5 have been prescribed the antibiotic as its one of the ones to try first.

I had an allergic reaction when I was 3 I think. How long ago did you take it?

22-01-11, 21:44
Thanks for your reply. I really can't remember when I last had penicillin.

I've had pneumonia twice in the last 2 years though so would imagine I've had it then.

I took the amoxycillin about an hour ago and no major probs yet so think it'll be ok. I worry more as both my son and daughter have an allergy so guess that must have come from somewhere !!

I'll take another dose tonight & see how that goes, thanks again for the reply