View Full Version : is citalopram safe when pregnant?

23-01-11, 09:45
just found out last night that i am pregnant - about 5 weeks i think. Which is great news as we have been trying for over a year now. I have a wee girl of 7 but did not suffer from pa's and anxiety until 15 months ago.
I am currently on 10mg of citalopram (reduced from 20mg a few months ago) and i take 40mg of propananol as and when required. I know that its not safe to continue the propananol - which i am dreading a little as i use it as my crutch for the times when i feel really anxious or am having a pa. But i have been up and down recently and am unsure whether it is safe to keep taking citalopram or not - of course if it was harming the baby i would stop it but not sure i can do without it at the moment.

Has anyone had experience of pregnancy and citalopram -would love to hear any experiences.


23-01-11, 20:52
my friend was on citalopram for depression during her pregnancy so i know it is one they prescribe xx

24-01-11, 18:21
thanks joanna :)