View Full Version : im new and feeling scared

23-01-11, 09:59
hello im denice andi am new here, i found this site whilei was online looking for some advice to the terrible panic attack n anxiey im an feeling today, and i am getting to the stage now i jus cant take any ore of it, im 23 years old and have sufferd this since the ages of 16 and it actually controlling my life now, please help me out here with some advice, as mydotor has never actually gav me any proper treatment for this, so i have self treated and took som valium this morning , do you thnk they will help ??

23-01-11, 10:11
Hi denice

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-01-11, 13:11
hello denice :welcome:
sorry you are experincing panic attacks i sympathies i know how bad it can get after suffing for many, many years.
did your doctor give you the valium to help with the panic? the valium will help whilst having a panic attack but will not help in the long run, they are highly addictive and should be used with caution because of the addiction. dont worry if your only taking them occasionaly i know i have to when things get really bad.
My suggestion is to go to the doctor and explain how your feeling, theres loads of help out there, to help you overcome your panic attacks, if not to overcome them to help learn to live with them. i think if your suffering so bad the doc needs to know so you can get the help you deserve.
i hope your feeling much better when you read this :hugs: and hope you can sort out what your feeling soon, linda x

23-01-11, 13:19
Hello Denise

I can remember how you feel believe me i can still remember my first panic attack i was 19 yrs old i am now 41 and totally agree with Linda anxiety and panic attacks you do have to learn to live with this because you are always recovering, there will be setbacks along the way but you will get there your learning all the time that you are certainly not alone you think you are the only person in the world at the time that could have ever felt this way but you not.

You should try self help books and yoga, Dr Claire Weeks was my bible.

You will see light at the end i promise

take care :D san

Vanilla Sky
23-01-11, 20:10
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x