View Full Version : Sunday Mail today.....

23-01-11, 13:17
In the magazine that goes with the paper today, there is an article by Jemma Kidd - why?

Because she fights anxiety and so does her lovely sister Jodie. These girls to you and I are wealthy, successful girls but they suffer as we do.

There is hope so hang on in there.

And after my awful day yesterday I am going to be fighting back and tryiing hard not to waste another second on anxiety!!!!!

23-01-11, 13:50
I never knew that about Jodie Kidd - she's lovely. Madonna has panic attacks on stage. Peter Andre has CBT and meds to deal with his panic disorder.

23-01-11, 13:55
I knew about Peter Andre but Jemma and Jodie were a surprise.

Just goes to show doesn't it - it can affect anyone!!!

Frozen in fear
23-01-11, 14:31
Fame and money dont mean nothing anxiety and panic still comes

23-01-11, 14:39
absolutely right and you still have to make the same changes to recover and copex

23-01-11, 16:03
found this article really helpful and comforting.
this awful affliction crosses all boundaries .
have given it to my husband and son to read ...her description of the overload of terror being likened to imminent car smash might help the family member or friend to get the sheer terror of a full blown panic attack .
I have experienced both so not being blase here .

naturally people struggle to understand ..and think of the fear they have had in their own lives [hopefuly shortlived ] ..and cannot get that extreme response we suffer from in our day to day lives .
this article was excellent .
onwards and upwards my friends eh? xxx:yesyes:

23-01-11, 16:40
jodie done a programe about her anxiety and she totally belives in crystals ,, she carries one round with her and rubs it when she feels nervous,, she has them all around her house to and uses horses as a comfort ,, she loves beeing around them and belives they can heal the soul.

23-01-11, 17:32
I do think it is great when celebrities come out and say they suffer from panic and anxiety as it lets the rest of us know that it really can effect anyone...

However, in her article she said she got better by following the Linden Method and then it shows photos of her with Charles Linden. He has obviously spent time with her assisting her with her issues-something which would not be available to the rest of us!

I am pleased that she is better now but I think her celebrity status and money has definetly helped with this!


23-01-11, 17:48
Intersting to read that Charles Linden is featured.
A nice piece of publicity for you there Mr Linden!

But there again, after hearing that Russell Brand has received an award for Outstanding Contribution to British Comedy, I suppose that anything is possible!

23-01-11, 17:52
here is the article for anyone who wants to read it..


23-01-11, 17:52
Has anyone tried the linden method? and if so, is it effective?

23-01-11, 18:11
Everyone seems to have a real downer on it for some reason?

23-01-11, 18:18
Yes, I have tried it and no it wasn't effective for me.

I found that it was nothing I hadn't heard or read before.

Awhile ago, I believe there was some disagreement on NMP involving Mr Linden and fellow sufferers (forgive me if I'm wrong). I believe Mr Linden was an occasional observer of the site at that time, and perhaps still is. However, from what I recall, Mr Linden took unkindly to some of the comments made with regards to the Linden Method in general and I believe to the best of my knowledge, he allegedly then proved himself to be more of a businessman than a therapist!

Agreed, his methods may work for some people. But we are all different and therefore some need more intense forms of therapy than others.

Any fellow sufferer who discovered a true and permanent way of ridding Anxiety, would gladly pass on the effective method for free in my book, being as they would be only too aware of the pain, misery and suffering endured by the poor victims.

My personal opinion is that Mr Linden knows more about making money than he does about Psychology!


Should you feel this post innapropiate then please feel free to remove.

23-01-11, 18:18
just been reading a bit up on it, some say it is amazing, some say not so, I think it depends how much you believe in it and how much work you are prepared to put in to it. Mr Lindens theory on anxiety and panic does make perfect sense though, tempted to give it a try.

23-01-11, 18:20
I totally agree Horse-The Linden Method is nothing that I haven't read or seen before.

Plus it focusses on distraction techniques which goes against alot of CBT therapy which tells you to face the fear. It kind of made me feel confused about what I should be doing!

23-01-11, 18:21
that is probably a good point horse, I think if I knew the key to end anyones suffering I would gladfuly give it away. He does offer a 100% refund within 12 months though, will look a bit more in to it I think before deciding if it's worth a shot

23-01-11, 18:23
And may I add..........GROSSLY OVERPRICED..............knowing that Anxiety sufferers would pay the earth for a cure!

Like I said.....Business!

23-01-11, 18:26
And may I add..........GROSSLY OVERPRICED..............knowing that Anxiety sufferers would pay the earth for a cure!

Like I said.....Business!

fair point

23-01-11, 18:41
I am not stating that Mr Linden is one of them, but there are 'writers' out there who offer hundreds upon hundreds of books and CD/DVDs claiming to rid us of this evil infliction knowing that we (myself included) would happily pay a small fortune in order to recover.

Every book I have read on the illness has been no more than a rough copy of another book I read previously. Some sufferers need counselling on a regular and/or long-term basis. There are different types of Anxiety and we are all different to each other. Some, if not all, would be better off seeking Analysis and finding the cause, then learning how to deal with it and except it rather than depending on buying yet another book. I agree there have been books I have read that have made me feel slightly better and more positive, but have not actually cured me. My personal Anxiety has plagued me for over 40 years and it will not be cured by reading a book or watching a DVD!

I studied Psychology for 6 years and still read Psychology books on a very regular basis and believe me, the human Psyche doesn't work like that!

Save your money.


(Listen, do I hear a letter from Mr Lindens solicitor coming through my box)?

23-01-11, 18:48
My anxiety started about 15 years ago, it subsided for a long time with only minor flare ups until June last year when it really came back with avengance.
I've got 2 Claire Weekes books which I plan on reading soon

23-01-11, 18:51
My opinion is that Claire Weekes' books are magnificant and well worth the money.
They were the first books I read and still believe them to be the best.

23-01-11, 20:05
My opinion is that Claire Weekes' books are magnificant and well worth the money.
They were the first books I read and still believe them to be the best.

Only read the begining of "Self Help for Your Nerves", seems to be quite good, not sure about the shock treatment or tranquiliser treatment, though they where a lot more widely used when the books where written.
I'm quite in to the idea of "Mindfulness" as well.

23-01-11, 20:12
Yes, I agree.

The shock treatement etc., was probably a bit more common in those days and as I said, everyone is different.

I am reminded of a saying, " What you think, is who you'll become."

23-01-11, 21:37
I'm with you Horse, I bought the Linden Method, didn't work for me either ! I can't speak highly enough of the Claire Weekes books, they are amazing......and have proved a constant source of strength to me on sooo many occasions.

23-01-11, 21:43