View Full Version : Help what is this breathin feeling?

anx mum
23-01-11, 15:32
Getting a horrible breathing symptom like getting not enough air:weep: has anyone had this like there suffocatting? Must be cos had it for days now my sats r 98% so must b getting enough oxygen. Any advice?

23-01-11, 15:34
It is perfectly normal with anxiety as you are not breathing correctly.

You need to learn how to do abdominal breathing which will help.

anx mum
23-01-11, 15:37
It is perfectly normal with anxiety as you are not breathing correctly.

You need to learn how to do abdominal breathing which will help.

Its horrible really scares me how do i get my breathing bk 2 normal?

23-01-11, 15:42
You need to be breathing correctly from the abdomen and not the chest.

You are probably shallow breathing.

There is some info about this on the website page on the left - the how to cope one I think

23-01-11, 15:42
yes this one:


anx mum
23-01-11, 15:43
You need to be breathing correctly from the abdomen and not the chest.

You are probably shallow breathing.

There is some info about this on the website page on the left - the how to cope one I think

Thanx nicola

23-01-11, 16:24
i to have expierenced this. it is horrible and scary but try not to think the worst.

23-01-11, 16:30
I have this too. Is anyone getting it worse at night? I get it really bad then. Also stabbing pains in my chest at random points. The breathing is terrifying, almost like your chest is too tight to breath. It scares me a lot :(

anx mum
23-01-11, 16:41
I have this too. Is anyone getting it worse at night? I get it really bad then. Also stabbing pains in my chest at random points. The breathing is terrifying, almost like your chest is too tight to breath. It scares me a lot :(

Keep asking my hubby if im breathing ok:weep: also had chest pains all tests come bk ok

23-01-11, 17:11
It's my leg pain that's the issue now :(

anx mum
23-01-11, 17:35
It's my leg pain that's the issue now :(

I know hun plz try not to worry. Im the same as u worrying and docs r telling me im ok guess this anxiety is taking over us ur not alone hun:hugs:

23-01-11, 17:54
Thanks for your help, it's so hard :( I just keep thinking if the pain wasn't there I'd feel ok. Or even in both legs :(

23-01-11, 18:01
I too get this and I find it the worst and most scariest symptom.

I try the deep abdominal breathing but for me this makes it worse as I am concentrating on my breathing!

I have started going out for a walk when it gets bad. The dog is loving it! I find by burning off the adrelelin is the only solution. I also find it worst when tired and gets worse as the day goes on.

Wish I could be more help but can assure you it will pass and and give you a chance to stop thinking about it.


24-01-11, 16:41
Hi Guys,

I have had 'bad breathing' since I was about 8. My GP thought it was mild asthma at first but inhalers didnt work! I just put up with it for ages just not thinking about it.

I am 23 now and recently (a few months ago), I have started to get other symptoms such as the chest pains and muscle twitching around the body.! This really scared me and so I keep having thoughts that there is something really wrong with me. I keep 'googling' my symptoms, which is the worst thing you can do. I have been to A&E a couple of times and my GP and they all say I am fine and that I am just anxious!

Im starting to come round to the fact that they might be right, because previously I thought that the trained medical professionals were wrong!!

I am still getting symptoms everyday and its hard to ignore them, which is what you need to try and do.

With the breathing, the page that Nicola reffered you too is really good. Also just try and keep yourself busy all the time. I know thats hard to do, but you will realise that your breathing is fine when you dont think about it!! Again thats really hard too!!

I dont particularly want to have CBT but people say that it really does work. At the moment I find the best way to 'reduce' the symptoms is to do the breathing exercises as mentioned. Also reassurance from other people is really helpful, especially loved ones. If someone else is with you and they think you are fine, it seems to make me feel better.

This is all just my opinion and different things will help different people, but I am really glad that I have come round to the fact that it is 'only' anxiety and that it cant hurt me physically. I know I can get over it, and so can you all. It is horrible, and it will take time, but we will get through it.

I hope this helps, if only a bit
