View Full Version : bad day

23-01-11, 19:33
not a good day today and eventhough i've gone back up to my full strength cipramil a couiple of weeks back [after a couple of days trying to reduce with gp support] im no better...
on the surface i havenothing to complain about but work based relationships are not great and i think thats what is getting to me; we have two members of staff that are really not pulling their weight and they seem to have pallied up togethera nd back each other up against me, although all is friendly and polite on the surface, it is not always how it should be
the other day, i asked one of them to do soemthing, [im the senior member of staff there] and this one staff member said 'no i want to go to the cash machine'..just like that!:ohmy: so i said politely 'well can you do this for me first please' and she went off wtihout a word, she did as i asked but she always seems to have an answer ready.
we have had problems with her like this before, last year she and another staff member who has since left [i have heard seh was asked to leave as she had become so difficult, things came to a head one day] made life so intolerable for me and my colleague; they ignored us, wouldnt do as we asked - we are both senior to them and have tried so hard to get on with them and be polite etc etc but they put an official complaint in against us saying we were bullying them and making their lives miserable [bloody cheek if anything it was the other way round!] so when it went upstairs ie to management level, it was investigated thoroughly and thrown out, turns out they had put together a list of 'complaints' ranging from leaving paperwork out to not liking what we asked them to do', i wasnt at the hearing as it was my friend and colleague that was largely in the firing line although the girl who left dragged my name in too
anwwya...deep breath!! the woman who is left is still trying to cause trouble or at least thats how it feels, we have two new members of staff, one is great, she is in her forties like myself and my colleague and is a good hard worker with seemingly no sides to her, the other however is in her twenties and has a real attitude, plus, unfortunatley she has pallied up wtih the remaining staff member, and they both work very well as a double act, refusing to do things, being aggressive, being unprofessional and downright difficult at times
i dont know if i can take much more its making me feel really depressed and anxious, my ocd is climbing to new heights
my manager is on leave for two weeks, do i go straigh to her when she gets back or do i speak to the girls first? i am a really easy going person and i dont mind who does what, i even do their stuff at tiems as its just quicker and i get no arguments, some days arent too bad and then other days i really have to coax them to do stuff
sorry for the long post but its really getting to me
i just feel like a wimp i know i should stand up to these girls but i know if i start making waves, i am sure all i will get back is attitude and silence and i dont want another year like last year
thanks for listening

17-02-11, 04:43
the more difficult and trying one of the two is leaving!! hurrah!!
hopefully the other one will follow suit!

17-02-11, 19:32
You probably have done this already, but have you taken her aside and tried to build a rapport with her? Ask her what is bothering her? Also, how can you change or approach her so she doesn't get so defensive? I'm not saying they should have an attitude, but sometimes asking them in a nice way, what there problem is, may make them open up some and can bring on better communication. I've had to supervise people like this and it can be very difficult. Sometimes you can try to be nice and nothing helps. But, you are their supervisor and they need to remember that.

27-02-11, 05:11
have tried that but thanks anyway

i will talk to my manager if the situation doesnt improve
i like to get on with people and i dont think it's my approach that is the problem