View Full Version : Implanon and arm pain?

23-01-11, 22:41
Just before Christmas I had my Implanon implant taken out. It had shifted slightly and was pretty solidly embedded in my arm, it took the doctor over an hour to remove after I'd been assured it was usually a ten-minute procedure.

I bring this up, because I had been having a lot of pain in my left arm, shooting pains down the inside of my arm, shooting down to my hand and back, which scared the life out of me because I the way my mind works, left arm pain = heart attack (although I more rationally attributed it to psychosomatic sensations caused by anxiety). Since the implant has been removed, after the initial bruising and swelling went down and the incision was no longer painful, I've had no more arm pain, in almost a month. No more shoulder pain either. No more hand pain. I'm wondering, could the implant have been positioned so that it was compressing a nerve? Could that have been responsible for the pain?

I'm curious, I like to know the causes of things, it makes them easier to accept than 'it just stopped'. I'm also open to the suggestion that the 'pain' stopped because I think I'm getting better.

The evidence that I am getting better comes from the fact that I'm in the middle of the most important set of exams of my degree, because my university year is set out so that I do the majority of my finals now, and just a couple in the summer, and I've had one exam-related panic, about five minutes of exam-related tears, and only one exam-related nervous vomiting incident, which is better than some of my more 'normal' friends.

Getting there, but still need reassurance about physical sensations.

I'm wondering if anyone else experienced arm pain connected with the Implanon implant.

24-01-11, 06:55
Having googled brachial plexus, I see that there are an awful lot of connections to where this implant was situated. I don't know a great deal about how close these nerves are to the surface or whether it's actually possible my implant was interfering with any of them, it just seems a bit of a coincidence that the pain stopped when it was removed.