View Full Version : exams... :(

23-01-11, 23:46
So I'm in the middle of my uni exams - blatantly failed the first one, I'm not holding out much hope for the second two either :lac:I did ask my GP for help and shes written a letter asking the uni appealing for me to be awarded grades that reflect the fact I was ill while doing exams, and helping at home etc. So I'm not sure I have any reason to worry from that side - but I feel so angry at myself for not doing as well as I'd like, which is ridiculous as I've ALWAYS passed my exams and dont know why am so upset if its just this once.. I just feel I'm letting everyone down? The next exam's tommorow and I'm so so worried.

24-01-11, 03:47
Hi Daisycake,
Good luck with your exams today, you can only try your best, take care.

24-01-11, 12:49
You've had a lot on your plate, you're not letting anyone down, you're an extremely strong girl for making it into your exams, I don't know if I could have!

Good luck with your exam today, just relax and try your best and you never know, you might do a lot better than you think. xx

24-01-11, 14:29
Good luck Daisycake, I'm doing uni exams at the moment as well and they are incredibly stressful, even my more 'normal' friends are freaking out. Worrying about something like this certainly isn't abnormal.

Universities are usually pretty sympathetic about this sort of thing, and in some circumstances will let you retake without penalty with a doctors note. I know it's a bit late for this exam period, but is there aditional learning support at your university? They can help you with all kinds of things, from study skills specially for people who have panic and anxiety problems to coping with the exams themselves.

Good luck.

25-01-11, 20:41
i can relate (not at uni level yet) but im taking my AS exams and i clearly failed one subject. havnt had any motivation to study for them because of my anxiety.
good luck and i hope you get the results you want :D

25-01-11, 20:47
Hey Daisy,

Don't write yourself off just yet. I took some uni exams last year when I was at one of the worst points in my anxiety.
Like you, I had no hope and assumed the worst and yet, somehow I managed to pass them all. The mind plays tricks, particularly inherently negative minds like the ones usually possessed by anxiety sufferers.

That said, if you are insistent you have failed your best bet is to get studying hard; both for your exams coming up and the ones you think you have failed. That way you're already well on your way to aceing any resits you might have to take.

Either way I am sure you will be fine. Universities are usually very understanding of anxiety issues, surprisingly (since we all generally feel like we're the only ones suffering from it) it is a common issue at universities. So I am sure they won't just kick you out, they will give you every opportunity to make a success of yourself and will want you to leave with the best degree possible.